❶ 德克薩斯州立大學怎麼樣這個學校在美國所有大學中的排名怎麼樣
❷ 美國德州大學排名情況怎麼樣
《美國新聞抄和世界報導》襲 (U.S.News and World Report)作為美國最具權威的排名機構,每年進行一次全美院校排名。該排名是中國學生擇校時最具參考價值的排名之一。US News排名分為本科和碩士,本科稱為Best Colleges,碩士稱為Best Graate Schools。其中本科排名按照學校類別和專業分類排名,碩士排名全部按照學科和專業進行分類排名。
❸ 美國德克薩斯州的大學哪個好一些
依據College Factual的排名系統,以下是德州排名TOP10的大學列表內:
❹ 美國德克薩斯州的大學哪個好一些
❺ 美國德州農工大學排名怎麼樣
德克薩斯A&M大學( A&M University,簡稱TAMU),又稱德州農工大學,於1876年成立於美國德克薩斯州的大學城(College Station,又稱卡城),是德州歷史最悠久的公立大學和第一所高等教育學府,也是美國第六大的高等學府。該校與德州大學奧斯汀分校並稱為德克薩斯州的兩大旗艦學府,2018 USNEWS美國大學綜合排名第69位。
德州農工大學主校區位於德克薩斯州大學城(College Station),College Station具有典型的德克薩斯小鎮風情,平靜、寧和,其公共設施應有盡有,校園距州府奧斯汀約2小時車程。除此外該校在Galveston(Texas)、Corpus Christi(Texas)、Commerce(Texas)、Kingsville(Texas)、San-Antonio(Texas)和Doha(Qatar)、墨西哥城、義大利Castiglion Fiorentino等還有分校。
德州農工大學設有農業與生命科學學院、建築學院、教育與人類發展學院、地球科學學院 、文學院、理學院、獸醫學院、工程學院、布希公共事務管理學院和商學院10個學院。其中農學院、商學院、工程院,地球科學院和獸醫學院為全美最大的專科學院。
德州農工大學位於休斯敦、達拉斯、聖安東尼奧這三個美國十大城市之間,並且離德州首府奧斯汀也很近,交通非常方便。學校提供In-Campus和Off-Campus的穿梭BUS,該部分費用已包括在所交納的學費中,乘坐校車不需另外交費。校車在 Regular 時段提供Regular Service,在Break & Summer時段只提供break service,具體情況可在網上查詢。每輛校車上都提供免費的運行路線圖和時刻表,可以拿取以作參考。學校擁有30多路校車方便同學校內外生活,同時學校飛機場擁有往返各地的民航班機。
❻ 美國德州有哪些大學 排名靠前的要知道
❼ 美國德克薩斯州有哪些大學比較好
2、德州大學奧斯汀分校 University of Texas--Austin是德州大學系統的最大最好的旗艦分校,校園大人多,是全美單一校園人數最多院校的前五名。2017年USNews綜排UT Austin排行56,學校的工科和商科是兩大支柱,石油工程全美第一,化學工程、土木工程等工程類專業在全美位居前10,CS第7,會計專業排名第一。
3、南方衛理公會大學 Southern Methodist University是位於德州達拉斯的一所私立大學,2017年USNews綜排跟UT Austin並列56。學校的優勢專業為商科、法律、統計學、計算機、心理學、視覺表演藝術等學科,其中COX商學院和法律學院最為著名。
4、貝勒大學 Baylor University是位於德州Waco市的一所浸信會大學,浸信會的傳統教義是禁止學生飲酒、賭博、跳舞和男女同居,所以這里的校風非常之嚴謹。2017年USNews綜排71,法學院排名全美56,音樂學院排名全美49。貝勒大學最好的專業是法律,醫科預備科、商科(尤其是會計和小型企業)和音樂,其他不錯的學科有物理和宗教等等。
5、德州農工大學 Texas A&M University--College Station是德州第二大公立大學系統,位於College Station的主校區是旗艦校區,德州農工大學是老牌的農業和工程強校。2017年USNews綜排74,商學院全美排名27,其中又以會計和管理專業最佳。學校的工程學院在全美最佳工程學院排名中位列第16位,其中石油工程全美第2,生物與農業工程全美第4,航空工程全美第11,土木工程全美第12。
6、德州基督教大學 Texas Christian University是位於德州Fort Worth市的一所私立大學,也是德州最大的一所宗教大學,不過學校不限定學生的信仰,全校有超過20種學生宗教團體。2017年USNews綜排82,工程和商科是學校的優勢學科。其中商科是最多學生選讀、同時也是最佳的學科,其他熱門學科還有地質學、美術及大眾傳播、舞蹈、自然科學、健康科學、醫科和牙科預科課程等。
7、德州大學達拉斯分校 University of Texas--Dallas是德州大學系統中僅次於UT Austin的又一所公立名校,也是近年來發展最為迅速的大學之一,在2017年USNEWS美國本科綜合排名第146。UT Dallas的管理學院(Naveen Jindal School of Management)和工程學院(Erik Jonsson School of Engineering & Computer Science)最富盛名,管理學院的學術水平在全美乃至全球都有較高聲望。
8、休斯頓大學 University of Houston坐落在休斯頓市中心,1927年建校,是休斯頓市最具活力的公立大學,在2017年USNEWS美國本科綜合排名第194。休斯敦大學屬於研究型大學,每年注冊的學生中有21%是研究生,在這些研究生中,除了商學院、MBA是受學生青睞的熱門科系外,因為鄰近計算機大廠,使得該校的信息科學的相關科系排名也居高不下。
9、西南大學 Southwestern University是位於德州喬治敦的一所小型私立文理學院,該校成立於1840年,是西南地區德克薩斯州最古老的大學之一,學校在2017年USNews全美文理學院排名中排行95。
10、奧斯汀學院 Austin College成立於1849年,是德州一所隸屬於教會的文理學院,在2017年USNews全美文理學院排名中排行105。學校的熱門專業有生物、工商管理、歷史、政治科學、心理學。課程難度較大,但是課堂人數很少、教授對學生非常關心。
❽ 美國德州最有什麼好的大學
❾ 美國德州所有大學
教育部認可的美國德克薩斯州(Texas)大學名單 美國大學(按州和地區分布)
A New Beginning School of Massage (Austin)
Abilene Christian University (Abilene)
Abilene Christian University Graate School of Theology (Abilene)
Academy of Cosmetology (Austin)
Academy of Hair Design (Houston)
Academy of Hair Design Inc. (Beaumont)
Academy of Hair Design, Inc. (Lufkin)
The Academy of Health Care Professions (Houston)
Acres Home College of Barber Design (Houston)
Advanced Barber College and Hair Design (Weslaco)
AEC Texas Institute (Garland)
AEC Texas Institute (Hurst)
Aeronautical Institute of Technologies (Dallas)
AIMS Academy (Grand Prairie)
Allied Health Careers (Austin)
Alvin Community College (Alvin)
Amarillo College (Amarillo)
Amarillo College of Beauty (Amarillo)
Amberton University (Garland)
American Commercial College (Abilene)
American Commercial College (Lubbock)
American Commercial College (Odessa)
American Commercial College (San Angelo)
American School of Business (Wichita Falls)
AmesEd (Richardson)
AnaMarc Ecational Institute (El Paso)
Angelina College (Lufkin)
Angelo State University (San Angelo)
Arlington Baptist College (Arlington)
Arlington Career Institute (Grand Prairie)
Arlington Medical Institute (Arlington)
Army Academy of Health Sciences (San Antonio)
The Art Institute of Dallas (Dallas)
The Art Institute of Houston (Houston)
Astrodome Dental Career Center (Houston)
ATI-Career Training Center (Dallas)
ATI - Career Training Center (Hurst)
ATI - Technical Training Center (Dallas)
Austin Business College (Austin)
Austin College (Sherman)
Austin Community College (Austin)
Austin Graate School of Theology (Austin)
Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary (Austin)
Aveda Institute (Conroe)
Baldwin Beauty School #5 (Austin)
Baldwin Beauty School - North (Austin)
Baptist Missionary Association Theological Seminary (Jacksonville)
Baylor College of Medicine (Houston)
Baylor University (Waco)
Behold! Beauty Academy (Houston)
Bilingual Ecation Institute (Houston)
Bill J. Priest Institute for Economic Development (Dallas)
Blinn College (Brenham)
Border Institute of Technology (El Paso)
Bradford School of Business (Houston)
Branch Campus: (Del Rio)
Brazosport College (Lake Jackson)
Brite Divinity School of Texas Christian University (Fort Worth)
Brookhaven College (Farmers Branch)
Business Skills Institute (El Paso)
Capitol City Careers (Austin)
Capitol City Trade and Technical School (Austin)
Career Academy (Texarkana)
Career Advancement and Applied Technology Training Division - Branch Campus (San Antonio)
Career Advancement and Applied Technology Training Division (San Antonio)
Career Advancement Center (Austin)
Career Centers of Texas-Brownsville (Brownsville)
Career Centers of Texas-Corpus Christi (Corpus Christi)
Career Centers of Texas-El Paso (El Paso)
Career Point Institute (San Antonio)
Career Quest (San Antonio)
Career Tech Institute (Edinburg)
Careers Unlimited (Houston)
Careers Unlimited (Tyler)
Cedar Valley College (Lancaster)
Center for Advanced Legal Studies (Houston)
Center of English Language (Dallas)
Central Texas Beauty College #2 (Round Rock)
Central Texas Beauty College (Temple)
Central Texas College (Killeen)
Central Texas Commercial College (Dallas)
Charles & Sue's School of Hair Design (Bryan)
Circle J Beauty School (South Houston)
Cisco Junior College (Cisco)
Clarendon College (Clarendon)
Coastal Bend College (Beeville)
College of Biblical Studies - Houston (Houston)
College of the Mainland (Texas City)
The College of Saint Thomas More (Fort Worth)
Collin County Community College District (Plano)
Computer Career Center (El Paso)
Computer Labs, Inc. (El Paso)
Concorde Career Institute (Arlington)
Concordia University at Austin (Austin)
Conlee's College of Cosmetology (Kerrville)
Coryell Cosmetology College (Gatesville)
Cosmetology Career Center (Carrollton)
Court Reporting Institute of Dallas (North Dallas)
Court Reporting Institute of Houston (Houston)
The Criswell College (Dallas)
Culinary Academy of Austin (Austin)
Culinary Institute (Houston)
Dallas Baptist University (Dallas)
Dallas Barber and Stylist College (Dallas)
Dallas Christian College (Dallas)
Dallas Theological Seminary (Dallas)
David L. Carrasco Job Corps Center (El Paso)
Del Mar College (Corpus Christi)
Dolphin Technical Institute (Beaumont)
DSU Training Institute (Houston)
East Texas Baptist University (Marshall)
Eastfield College (Mesquite)
El Centro College (Dallas)
El Paso County Community College District (El Paso)
Elite Beauty Institute of Midland (Midland)
English Language Specialists, Inc. (Houston)
Episcopal Theological Seminary of the Southwest (Austin)
Everest College (Dallas)
Everest Institute (Arlington)
Exposito School of Hair Design (Amarillo)
Faris Computer School (Nederland)
Fort Worth Beauty School (Fort Worth)
Frank Phillips College (Borger)
Franklin Beauty School #2 (Houston)
Galveston College (Galveston)
Genesis Vocational Training - Branch Campus (Houston)
Genesis Vocational Training - Branch Campus (Houston)
Genesis Vocational Training (Houston)
George W. Truett Theological Seminary of Baylor University (Waco)
Graate Institute of Applied Linguistics (Dallas)
Grayson County College (Denison)
Gulf Coast Trades Center (New Waverly)
Hallmark Institute of Aeronautics (San Antonio)
Hallmark Institute of Technology (San Antonio)
Hardin-Simmons University (Abilene)
High-Tech Institute (Irving)
Hill College (Hillsboro)
Hispanic Baptist Theological School (San Antonio)
House of Tutors (Austin)
Houston Allied Health Careers (Houston)
Houston Baptist University (Houston)
Houston Community College (Houston)
Houston Graate School of Theology (Houston)
Houston Training Schools - Branch Campus (Houston)
Houston Training Schools - Branch Campus (Houston)
Houston Training Schools (Houston)
Howard College (Big Spring)
Howard Payne University (Brownwood)
Huston-Tillotson College (Austin)
ICC Technical Institute (Houston)
Institute of Cosmetology (Houston)
Inter-American Air Forces Academy (Lackland AFB)
Interactive Learning Systems - Branch Campus (Houston)
Interactive Learning Systems - Branch Campus (Houston)
Interactive Learning Systems - Branch Campus (Pasadena)
Interactive Learning Systems (Dallas)
International Academy of Cosmetology (Laredo)
International Beauty College #3 (Garland)
International Beauty College #4 (Irving)
International Business College (El Paso)
International Business College (El Paso)
International Business College (Lubbock)
International Business School (Denton)
International Business School (Midland)
International Business School (Sherman)
International Renowned Beauty Academy (Fort Worth)
I.T.S. Academy of Beauty (Denton)
I.T.S. Academy of Beauty (Odessa)
I.T.S. Academy of Beauty (Wichita Falls)
ITT Technical Institute (Arlington)
ITT Technical Institute (Austin)
ITT Technical Institute, North Campus (Houston)
ITT Technical Institute (Richardson)
ITT Technical Institute (San Antonio)
ITT Technical Institute, South Campus (Houston)
ITT Technical Institute, West Campus (Houston)
Iverson Business School and Court Reporting (Arlington)
Jacksonville College (Jacksonville)
Jarvis Christian College (Hawkins)
Jay's Technical Institute (Houston)
Jones Beauty College #2 (Grand Prairie)
Jones Beauty College #3 (Allen)
Jones Beauty College #4 (Lewisville)
Jones Beauty College (Dallas)
Kilgore College (Kilgore)
Kussad Institute of Court Reporting (Austin)
Lamar Institute of Technology (Beaumont)
Lamar State College - Orange (Orange)
Lamar State College - Port Arthur (Port Arthur)
Lamar University (Beaumont)
Language Plus, Inc. (El Paso)
Laredo Beauty College (Laredo)
Laredo Community College (Laredo)
Leadership Excellence, Inc. (Houston)
Leadership Training (Amarillo)
Lee College (Baytown)
LeTourneau University (Longview)
Lincoln Technical Institute (Grand Prairie)
Lon Morris College (Jacksonville)
Lubbock Christian University (Lubbock)
Lubbock Hair Academy (Lubbock)
Mai-trix Beauty College (Houston)
McLennan Community College (Waco)
McMurry University (Abilene)
MedVance Institute (Houston)
Metroplex Beauty School (Mesquite)
Mid Cities Barber College (Grand Prairie)
Midland College (Midland)
Midwestern State University (Wichita Falls)
Mims Classic Beauty College (San Antonio)
Mine Warfare Training Center (Ingleside)
MJ's Beauty Academy Inc. (Dallas)
Mountain View College (Dallas)
MTI College of Business & Technology (Houston)
MTI College of Business & Technology (Houston)
National Beauty College (Garland)
National Institute of Technology (Austin)
National Institute of Technology (Houston)
National Institute of Technology (Houston)
National Institute of Technology (Houston)
National Institute of Technology (San Antonio)
Naval Construction Training Center - Branch Campus (Witchita Falls)
Navarro College (Corsicana)
Neilson Beauty College, Inc. (Dallas)
North Central Texas College (Gainesville)
North Harris Montgomery Community College District (The Woodlands)
North Lake College (Irving)
North Texas Professional Career Institute (Dallas)
North West Beauty School (Houston)
Northeast Texas Community College (Mt. Pleasant)
Northwest Ecational Center (Houston)
Northwest Vista College (San Antonio)
Oblate School of Theology (San Antonio)
The Ocean Corporation (Houston)
Odessa College (Odessa)
Ogle School of Hair Design (Dallas)
Ogle School of Hair Design (Ft. Worth)
Ogle School of Hair Design (Hurst)
Ogle School of Hair-Skin-Nails (Arlington)
Our Lady of the Lake University (San Antonio)
Palo Alto College (San Antonio)
Panola College (Carthage)
Paris Junior College (Paris)
Parker College of Chiropractic (Dallas)
Pasadena Academy (Pasadena)
Paul Quinn College (Dallas)
PCI Health Training Center (Dallas)
Perkins School of Theology Southern Methodist University (Dallas)
Pipo Academy of Hair Design (El Paso)
Polytechnic Institute (Houston)
Prairie View A. & M. University (Prairie View)
Ranger College (Ranger)
R.C. Leffke & Associates, Inc. (Dallas)
Remington College-Dallas Campus (Garland)
Remington College-Fort Worth Campus (Fort Worth)
Remington College-Houston Campus (Houston)
Richland College (Dallas)
Rio Grande Bible Institute (Edinburg)
Ronny J's Barber & Styling College (Dallas)
Royal Beauty Careers (Houston)
S. W. School of Business and Technical Careers - Branch Campus (Uvalde)
S. W. School of Business and Technical Careers (Eagle Pass)
S. W. School of Business and Technical Careers (San Antonio)
S. W. School of Business and Technical Careers (San Antonio)
St. Edward's University (Austin)
Saint Mary's University (San Antonio)
Saint Philip's College (San Antonio)
Sam Houston State University (Huntsville)
San Antonio Beauty College #3 (San Antonio)
San Antonio Beauty College #4 (San Antonio)
San Antonio College of Medical and (McAllen)
San Antonio College of Medical and (San Antonio)
San Antonio College (San Antonio)
San Jacinto College (Pasadena)
School of Automotive Machinists (Houston)
Schreiner University (Kerrville)
Sebring Career Schools (Barker)
Sebring Career Schools - Branch Campus (Houston)
Sebring Career Schools - Branch Campus (Huntsville)
Seguin Beauty School - Branch Campus (New Braunfels)
Seguin Beauty School (Seguin)
South Plains College (Levelland)
South Texas Community College (McAllen)
South Texas Vo-Tech Institute (McAllen)
South Texas Vo-Tech Institute (Weslaco)
Southeastern Career Institute - Dallas (Dallas)
Southern Careers Institute (Austin)
Southern Careers Institute - Branch Campus (Corpus Christi)
Southern Careers Institute - Branch Campus (Laredo)
Southern Careers Institute - Branch Campus (Pharr)
Southern Careers Institute - Branch Campus (San Antonio)
Southern Methodist University (Dallas)
Southwest Institute of Technology (Austin)
Southwest Texas Junior College (Uvalde)
Southwest Texas State University (San Marcos)
Southwestern Adventist University (Keene)
Southwestern Assemblies of God University (Waxahachie)
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (Fort Worth)
Southwestern Christian College (Terrell)
Southwestern Professional Institute (Houston)
Southwestern University (Georgetown)
Star College of Cosmetology (Longview)
Star College of Cosmetology (Nacogdoches)
Star College of Cosmetology (Tyler)
State Beauty Academy Inc. (Duncanville)
Stephen F. Austin State University (Nacogdoches)
Stephenville Beauty College (Stephenville)
Sterling Health Center (Addison)
Suite 116 (McKinney)
Sul Ross State University (Alpine)
Sylvia's International School of Beauty (Houston)
Tarleton State University (Stephenville)
Tarrant County College District (Fort Worth)
Temple College (Temple)
Texarkana College (Texarkana)
Texas A. & M. University (College Station)
Texas A & M University - Kingsville (Kingsville)
Texas A&M International University (Laredo)
Texas A&M University-Commerce (Commerce)
Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi (Corpus Christi)
The Texas A&M University System Health Science Center (Bryan)
Texas A&M University-Texarkana (Texarkana)
Texas Barber Colleges and Hairstyling Schools - Branch Campus (Dallas)
Texas Barber Colleges and Hairstyling Schools - Branch Campus (Houston)
Texas Barber Colleges and Hairstyling Schools - Branch Campus (Houston)
Texas Barber Colleges and Hairstyling Schools (Dallas)
Texas Beauty College (San Antonio)
Texas Career Institute - Branch Campus (Houston)
Texas Career Institute (Kerrville)
Texas Careers - Branch Campus (Beaumont)
Texas Careers - Branch Campus (Laredo)
Texas Careers (San Antonio)
Texas Chiropractic College (Pasadena)
Texas Christian University (Fort Worth)
Texas College of Cosmetology (Abilene)
Texas College of Cosmetology (San Angelo)
Texas College (Tyler)
Texas Culinary Academy (Austin)
Texas Lutheran University (Seguin)
Texas School of Business East (Houston)
Texas School of Business-Friendswood (Friendswood)
Texas School of Business (Houston)
Texas School of Business - Southwest (Houston)
Texas Southern University (Houston)
Texas State Technical College - Harlingen (Harlingen)
Texas State Technical College Marshall (Marshall)
Texas State Technical College Waco (Waco)
Texas State Technical College - West Texas (Sweetwater)
Texas Tech University (Lubbock)
Texas Vocational Schools (Victoria)
Texas Wesleyan University (Fort Worth)
Texas Woman's University (Denton)
Toni & Guy Hairdressing Academy (Carrollton)
Touch of Class School of Cosmetology (Greenville)
Trend Barber College (Houston)
Tri-State Cosmetology Institute (El Paso)
Tri-State Cosmetology Institute (El Paso)
Trinity University (San Antonio)
Trinity Valley Community College (Athens)
Tyler Junior College (Tyler)
Ultrasound Diagnostic School (Dallas)
Ultrasound Diagnostic School (Houston)
Universal Technical Institute (Houston)
University of Cosmetology Arts & Sciences (Harlingen)
University of Cosmetology Arts & Sciences (McAllen)
The University of Dallas (Irving)
University of Houston - Clear Lake (Houston)
University of Houston - Downtown (Houston)
University of Houston (Houston)
University of Houston - Victoria (Victoria)
University of the Incarnate Word (San Antonio)
University of Mary Hardin-Baylor (Belton)
University of North Texas (Denton)
University of North Texas Health Science Center at Ft. Worth (Fort Worth)
University of St. Thomas (Houston)
University of St. Thomas School of Theology (Houston)
The University of Texas at Arlington (Arlington)
The University of Texas at Austin (Austin)
University of Texas at Brownsville-Texas Southmost College (Brownsville)
The University of Texas at Dallas (Richardson)
The University of Texas at El Paso (El Paso)
The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (Houston)
The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio (San Antonio)
The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston (Galveston)
The University of Texas - Pan American (Edinburg)
The University of Texas of the Permian Basin (Odessa)
The University of Texas at San Antonio (San Antonio)
The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas (Dallas)
The University of Texas at Tyler (Tyler)
Valley Grande Institute for Academic Studies (Weslaco)
Vanguard Institute of Technology - Branch Campus (Brownsville)
Vanguard Institute of Technology - Branch Campus (Harlingen)
Vanguard Institute of Technology - Branch Campus (McAllen)
Vanguard Institute of Technology (Pharr)
Velma B's Beauty Academy (Dallas)
Vernon College (Vernon)
Victoria Beauty College (Victoria)
The Victoria College (Victoria)
Virginia College At Austin (Austin)
Wade College (Dallas)
Wayland Baptist University (Plainview)
Weatherford College (Weatherford)
West Texas A&M University (Canyon)
Western Technical Institute (El Paso)
Western Technical Institute (El Paso)
Western Texas College (Snyder)
Westwood College of Aviation Technology - Branch Campus (Houston)
Westwood College of Technology -Dallas (Dallas)
Westwood College of Technology-Ft. Worth (Euless)
Wharton County Junior College (Wharton)
Wiley College (Marshall)
William Marsh Rice University (Houston)
The Woodhouse School of Wellness (Victoria)
❿ 德州農工大學怎麼樣
德克薩斯A&M大學(Texas A&M University,簡稱TAMU),又稱德州農工大學,於1876年成立於美國德克薩斯州的大學城(College Station,又稱卡城),是德州歷史最悠久的公立大學和第一所高等教育學府,也是美國第六大的高等學府。該校與德州大學奧斯汀分校並稱為德克薩斯州的兩大旗艦學府,2018 USNEWS美國大學綜合排名第69位。
德州農工大學主校區位於德克薩斯州大學城(College Station),College Station具有典型的德克薩斯小鎮風情,平靜、寧和,其公共設施應有盡有,校園距州府奧斯汀約2小時車程。除此外該校在Galveston(Texas)、Corpus Christi(Texas)、Commerce(Texas)、Kingsville(Texas)、San-Antonio(Texas)和Doha(Qatar)、墨西哥城、義大利Castiglion Fiorentino等還有分校。
德州農工大學設有農業與生命科學學院、建築學院、教育與人類發展學院、地球科學學院 、文學院、理學院、獸醫學院、工程學院、布希公共事務管理學院和商學院10個學院。其中農學院、商學院、工程院,地球科學院和獸醫學院為全美最大的專科學院。
德州農工大學位於休斯敦、達拉斯、聖安東尼奧這三個美國十大城市之間,並且離德州首府奧斯汀也很近,交通非常方便。學校提供In-Campus和Off-Campus的穿梭BUS,該部分費用已包括在所交納的學費中,乘坐校車不需另外交費。校車在 Regular 時段提供Regular Service,在Break & Summer時段只提供break service,具體情況可在網上查詢。每輛校車上都提供免費的運行路線圖和時刻表,可以拿取以作參考。學校擁有30多路校車方便同學校內外生活,同時學校飛機場擁有往返各地的民航班機。