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發布時間: 2025-03-23 10:54:57

『壹』 幫忙推薦一下美國酒店與旅遊管理專業綜合排名和專業排名的學校 研究生專業的 謝謝

1.University of Nevada, Las Vegas 拉斯維加斯內華達大學
2.Cornell University 康奈爾大學
3.University of Houston 休斯頓大學
4.Florida International University 佛羅里達國際大學
5.Florida State University 佛羅里達州立大學
6.Michigan State University 密歇根州立大學
7.Pennsylvania State University 賓夕法尼亞州立大學
8.University of Central Florida 中佛羅里達大學
9.California State Polytech of Pomona 加利福尼亞州理工波莫納
10.Pure University 普渡大學
11.Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University 弗吉尼亞理工學院
12.Washington State University 華盛頓州立大學
13.Ashland University 阿什蘭大學
14.Bethune-Cookman College 貝休恩-考克曼學院
15.University at Buffalo - The State University of New York 布法羅大學-紐約州立大學
16.California State Polytechnic University-Pomona 加州州立科技大學波莫納
17.University of Delaware 德拉瓦大學
18.Georgia State University 喬治亞州立大學
19.Indiana University of Pennsylvania 賓州印第安那大學
20.Iowa State University 愛荷華州立大學
21.Kansas State University 堪薩斯州立大學
22.Kent State University 肯特州立大學
23.Mercyhurst College 梅西赫斯特學院
24.Missouri State University 密蘇里州立大學
25.New York City College of Technology 紐約市技術學院

『貳』 美國大學社會學排名


1 University of California Berkeley加州大學伯克利分校
2 University of Wisconsin Madison威斯康星大學麥迪遜分校
3 Princeton University普林斯頓大學
3 University of Michigan Ann Arbor密西根大學-安娜堡分校
5 Harvard University哈佛大學
5 Stanford University斯坦福大學
5 The University of Chicago芝加哥大學
5 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill北卡羅來納大學教堂山分校
9 Northwestern University西北大學
9 University of California Los Angeles加州大學洛杉機分校
11 Columbia University哥倫比亞大學
11 Indiana University,Bloomington印地安那大學伯明頓分校
11 University of Pennsylvania賓夕法尼亞大學
14 Duke University杜克大學
14 New York University紐約大學
14 The University of Texas at Austin德克薩斯大學奧斯汀分校
17 Cornell University康乃爾大學
17 Ohio State University
17 University of Washington華盛頓大學
20 Penn State University Park賓州州立大學-University Park Campus
20 The University of Arizona亞利桑那大學
20 University of Maryland College Park馬里蘭大學帕克分校
20 University of Minnesota Twin Cities明尼蘇達大學Twin Cities分校
20 Yale University耶魯大學
25 Brown University布朗大學
25 Johns Hopkins University約翰霍普金斯大學
27 University of California Irvine加州大學歐文分校
28 CUNY Graate School and University Center
28 University at Albany--SUNY紐約州立大學奧爾巴尼分校
28 University of California Santa Barbara加州大學聖塔芭芭拉分校
31 Rutgers University New Brunswick羅格斯大學新伯朗士威校區
31 University of California Davis加州大學戴維斯分校
31 University of California San Diego加利福尼亞大學聖地亞哥分校
31 University of Massachusetts Amherst馬薩諸塞大學Amherst校區
31 Vanderbilt University范德堡大學
36 Emory University埃默里大學
36 The University of Iowa愛荷華大學
36 University of Virginia弗吉尼亞大學
39 Florida State University佛羅里達州立大學
39 University of Southern California南加州大學
41 Boston College波士頓學院
41 Stony Brook University--SUNY
41 Texas A&M University德州A&M大學
41 University of California Riverside加州大學河濱分校
41 University of Florida佛羅里達大學
41 University of Illinois--Chicago
41 Washington State University華盛頓州立大學
48 Brandeis University布蘭迪斯大學
48 Michigan State University密歇根州立大學
48 North Carolina State University北卡羅來納州立大學
48 University of Georgia喬治亞大學
48 University of Illinois Urbana Champaign伊利諾伊大學厄本那―香檳分校
48 University of Notre Dame聖母大學
54 Pure University,West Lafayette普渡大學西拉法葉校區
54 University of California Santa Cruz加州大學聖克魯茲分校
54 University of Pittsburgh匹茲堡大學
Arizona State University亞利桑那州立大學
57 BOSTON University波士頓大學
57 New School
57 University of California--San Francisco
57 University of Colorado Boulder科羅拉多大學波爾得分校
57 University of Connecticut康涅狄格大學
57 University of Oregon俄勒岡大學
64 University of Delaware德拉華大學
64 The University of Kansas堪薩斯大學
66 Binghamton University SUNY紐約州立大學賓漢姆頓大學
66 Bowling Green State University
66 Northeastern University美國東北大學
66 Syracuse University雪城大學
66 University of South Carolina Columbia南卡羅來納大學哥倫比亞分校
66 Virginia Tech
72 Iowa State University愛荷華州立大學
72 Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge路易斯安那州立大學
72 Teachers College, Columbia University哥倫比亞大學
72 Temple University天普大學
72 University of Nebraska Lincoln內布拉斯加大學林肯分校
77 Baylor University貝勒大學
77 Case Western Reserve University凱斯西儲大學
77 Georgia State University喬治亞州立大學
77 University at Buffalo State University of New York紐約州立大學水牛城分校
77 University of Missouri Columbia密蘇里大學哥倫比亞分校
82 Colorado State University科羅拉多州立大學
82 Howard University霍華德大學
82 Loyola University Chicago芝加哥洛約拉大學
82 Southern Illinois University Carbondale南伊利諾伊卡本代爾大學
82 Tulane University杜蘭大學
82 University of Miami邁阿密大學
82 University of New Hampshire新罕布希爾大學
82 University of New Mexico新墨西哥大學
90 American University
90 Brigham Young University楊百翰大學
90 Fordham University福特漢姆大學
90 Kent State University
90 The University of Alabama阿拉巴馬大學--Birmingham
90 University of Cincinnati辛辛那提大學
90 University of Kentucky肯塔基大學
90 The University of Oklahoma俄克拉荷馬大學
90 The University of Tennessee田納西大學--Knoxville

『叄』 我想去美國讀翻譯專業的研究生,請問哪些大學比較好謝

一、Monterey Institute of International Studies蒙特雷國際研究院
學校簡介:蒙特雷國際研究學院始建於1955年。前身為「蒙特雷外語學院」,當時主要著眼於通過語言及文化的研究增進國際間的了解及合作。直到今天,這仍是該校的辦學宗旨。1961年,學校遷至風景優美的旅遊勝地蒙特雷市中心。該校作為美國在語言和國際政策研究方面最有學術聲譽的專業研究院而得到廣泛認可和贊譽。2005年,該校加盟了位於美國佛蒙特州的明德學院(Middlebury College),一所在語言教育、國際經濟和環境研究方面有傑出實力的著名學府。
1. 專業設置:
筆譯(MAT)(60 credits)
翻譯及本地化管理(MATLM)(60 credits)
筆譯及口譯(MATI)(60 credits)
會議口譯(MACI) (60 credits)
對外英語教學(TESOL)(37 credits)
對外教育(TFL) (37 credits)
2. 入學要求:建議最少有六個月適用第二語言的經歷,大多數錄取的學生都至少有兩年這樣的經歷;建議考GRE,尤其是GPA比較低的學生;托福100,寫作不低於23,其他不低於19,或者雅思7.0,聽力和閱讀不低於7.0,其他不低於6.5
二、State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry紐約州立大學-環境科學與林業科學學院
1、專業設置:Environmental Interpretation
2、建議考GRE 托福80,雅思6.0 GPA:B以上
三、 Kent State University 肯特州立大學
學校簡介:肯特州立大學(Kent State University)是中國教育部首批認可推薦的美國百年名校之一,《美國新聞和世界報道》美國大學排名第194名(2015)。該校建校於1910年,由八個校區構成,在校學生近35000人,中國留學生900多人。肯特是全美最大的地方性教育體系之一,在俄亥俄州規模前三。
1.專業設置:Master of Arts Specializing in Translation
2.入學要求:GPA 3.0, 托福71,,雅思5.5 三到五分鍾的個人陳述,國際學生准備兩份,一份是英語,一份是你要申請的語言;同樣國際學校也要准備至少300個單詞的essay,一份是英語,另一份是你要申請的語言。
四、University of Arkansas Fayetteville 阿肯色大學費耶特維爾分校
學校簡介:阿肯色大學(University of Arkansas)建立於1871年,簡稱UA或者UARK,是一所位於美國中南部的公立綜合性研究型大學,也是整個阿肯色州的旗艦大學。全美綜合大學排名129。
1.專業設置:MFA in Creative Writing, Emphasis in Translation 四年
五、The University of Iowa愛荷華大學
學校簡介:愛荷華大學是主要的美國國家級研究型大學之一,美國大學聯合會成員,也是著名的十大聯盟〔Big Ten〕所屬學校之一。愛荷華大學現有超過29000名學生,其中64%來自艾奧瓦州,21%來自周邊各州。她也招收大量國際學生,分別來自109個國家和地區,佔全校總人數的7%。美國國家綜合大學排名82。
1. 專業設置:MFA in Literary Translation
2. 入學要求:翻譯作品及原文,托福81,要求GRE
六、University of Massachus amherst馬薩諸塞大學安姆斯特分校
學校簡介:麻省大學 - 艾默斯特校區(University of Massachusetts Amherst,UMass Amherst)由馬薩諸塞州出資協助,是麻省大學系統中的旗艦分校區,屬於研究型大學,並被授予美國「最佳公立大學」之一。麻省大學 - 艾默斯特校區 每年有大約21,000大學生和6,200研究生,來自美國50個州及近100個其它國家,但大部分學生來自麻省。美國國家綜合大學排名75。
1.專業要求:The MA in Translation Studies 一年
2.入學要求:GPA:2.75, 要求GRE考試
七、 Wake Forest University維克森林大學
學校簡介:維克森林大學Wake Forest University建於1834年,是美國一所極富盛名的綜合性研究大學。在美國因地理位置與范德堡大學,杜蘭大學和埃默里大學共同享有「南哈佛」的美譽,同時因為小班制精英教學體制,維克森林也被稱作「南方的達特茅斯」。維克森林大學連續18年全美大學綜合排名25名左右。
1. 專業設置:MA in Interpreting and Translation Studies;MA in Teaching of Interpreting
2. GRE成績,口譯要求口譯經歷
八:East Carolina University 東卡羅來納州立大學
學校簡介:東卡羅來納州立大學(East Carolina University)簡稱為ECU,是一所州立大學,創校於公元1907年,是一所具有相當悠久歷史的學府。創立之初為一所培育師資的師范學校,本意是為了改善美國東部普遍師資不足所設立,經過了近一個世紀的演變,漸漸改制為現今的研究型大學。
1、專業設置:Master of Arts Degree in English English Studies, Literature, Linguistics, TESOL, Technical and Professional Communication (TPC), Rhetoric and Composition, Creative Writing, and Multicultural and Transnational Literatures (MTL)
九、Biola University 拜歐拉大學
學校簡介:拜歐拉大學是所基督教大學,創辦於1908年。該校共有六個分校,提供145個從學士學位到博士學位的課程,所有課程都得到認證。拜歐拉大學被US News公認為美國3300所大學中的229所有名的大學之一。拜歐拉大學下設7個學院,從本科到博士設有145多個學位課程。
1.專業設置:Pre-Bible Translation

『肆』 美國有哪些大學有游戲設計的碩士



2009年,《普林斯頓評論》游戲設計專業調查啟動,並有提供游戲設計課程的頂級院校的教職人員,和來自游戲業界頂級公司專業人士的協助支持。調查問題涵蓋了從學業水平、教師資質、教學質量到畢業生就業和職業成就等方面。榜單對150所提供游戲設計課程和學位的頂級院校進行調查。在2018年發布的游戲設計專業本科和研究生院排名中,南加州大學占據本科榜單第一位,南衛理公會大學在研究生院榜單中排名第一,兩所院校都蟬聯了該項桂冠。 01 游戲設計本科院校Top20 #1 University of Southern Californi 南加州大學 #2 New York University 紐約大學 #3 DigiPen Institute of Technology 迪吉彭理工學院 #4 Becker College 貝克學院 #5 Rochester Institute of Technology 羅切斯特理工學院 #6 University of Utah 猶他大學 #7 Michigan State University 密歇根州立大學 #8 Hampshire College 罕布希爾學院 #9 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 伍斯特理工學院 #10 LaSalle College Vancouver 溫哥華拉薩爾學院 #11 Drexel University 德雷塞爾大學 #12 Champlain College 香普蘭學院 #13 Cogswell College 科格斯韋爾學院 #14 Vancouver Film School 溫哥華電影學院 #15 Bradley Universit 布拉德利大學 #16 Miami University 邁爾密大學 #17 University of California-Santa Cruz 加州大學聖克魯茲分校 #18 Ferris State University 費瑞斯州立大學 #19 Abertay University 阿伯泰大學 #20 Laguna College of Art and Desig 拉古娜藝術設計學院 02 游戲設計研究生院Top10 #1 Southern Methodist University 南衛理公會大學 #2 New York University 紐約大學 #3 University of Central Florida 中佛羅里達大學 #4 University of Southern California 南加州大學 #5 University of Utah 猶他大學 #6 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 伍斯特理工學院 #7 Rochester Institute of Technology 羅切斯特理工學院 #8 Michigan State University 密歇根州立大學 #9 DigiPen Institute of Technology 迪吉佩恩理工學院 #10 Drexel University 德雷塞爾大學



『伍』 美國南加州大學傳播學院在全美大學中排名多少

問題: 美國南加州大學傳播學院在全美大學傳播學中排名多少?研究生方面。請提供08年以來全美大學傳播學院最新排名。
最佳答案: 南加州(USC)大學是一個很好的學校,而且難度並不是極高,所以我會建議您去讀。 本科的USC的排名是(全美排行)…… 電影學院第一 會計學院第五 建築學院第六 商學院,第九 工程學院第三十一(註:如果是碩士博士,那麼這個工程學院是排名第七的……我超想進,但是沒錢……) 正如上面的朋友所說,USC在全國排27,但是,這是綜合一切的排名。相信其總排名不會太高。 根據美國今日的排名: 1. Princeton University(NJ) 2. Harvard University(MA) 3. Yale University(CT) 4. California Institute of Technology 4. Stanford University(CA) 4. Massachusetts Inst. of Technology 7. University of Pennsylvania 8. Duke University(NC) 9. Dartmouth College(NH) 9. Columbia University(NY) 9. University of Chicago 12. Cornell University(NY) 12. Washington University in St. Louis 14. Northwestern University(IL) 15. Brown University(RI) 16. Johns Hopkins University(MD) 17. Rice University(TX) 18. Vanderbilt University(TN) 18. Emory University(GA) 20. University of Notre Dame(IN) 21. Carnegie Mellon University(PA) 21. University of California―Berkeley * 23. Georgetown University(DC) 24. University of Virginia * 24. University of Michigan―Ann Arbor * 26. Univ. of California―Los Angeles * 27. U. of North Carolina―Chapel Hill * 27. Univ. of Southern California 27. Tufts University(MA) 30. Wake Forest University(NC) 31. College of William and Mary(VA) * 31. Brandeis University(MA) 33. Lehigh University(PA)
其它回答: 南加州(USC)大學是一個很好的學校,而且難度並不是極高,所以我會建議您去讀。 本科的USC的排名是(全美排行)…… 電影學院第一 會計學院第五 建築學院第六 商學院,第九 工程學院第三十一(註:如果是碩士博士,那麼這個工程學院是排名第七的……我超想進,但是沒錢……) 美國大學傳播學院排名 最新排名 Rank School 1. U of Texas-Austin 2. Pure U 3. Penn State U 4. Ohio U 5. U of Indiana-Bloomington 6. U of Illinois-Urbana 7. U of Arizona-Tucson 8. Northwestern U 9. U of Wisconsin-Madison 9. U of Iowa 11. Michigan State U 12. U of Colorado-Boulder 13. Washington State U 14. Ohio State U 15. U of Washington 16. U of Oklahoma 17. U of California-Santa Barbara 18. Temple U 19. U of Massachusetts 20. Bowling Green State U 21. Rutgers U 22. U of Georgia-Athens 23. U of Denver 24. U of Maryland 25. U of South California 26. Florida State U 26. U of Missouri-Columbia 26. U of Florida 29. U of Nebraska-Lincoln 29. State U of New York-Buffalo 32. West Virginia U 33. U of Pennsylvania 34. Kent State U 35. U of Illinois-Carbondale 35. U of Kentucky 37. Wayne State U 37. State U of New York-Albany

『陸』 誰能給我現成的美國大學心理學研究生教學質量排名

Psychology (Research) (Ph.D.)
Ranked in 2005*

Rank/School Average assessment
score (5.0 = highest)
1. Stanford University (CA) 4.8
2. University of California– 4.6
University of Michigan–Ann Arbor 4.6
4. Yale University (CT) 4.5
5. Harvard University (MA) 4.4
Princeton University (NJ) 4.4
University of California–Los Angeles 4.4
University of Illinois–Urbana-Champaign 4.4
9. Carnegie Mellon University (PA) 4.2
Harvard University (Programs in Human Development and Psych.) (MA) 4.2
University of Wisconsin–Madison 4.2
12. Massachusetts Institute of Technology 4.1
Stanford University (Psych. Studies in Ecation) (CA) 4.1
University of Texas–Austin 4.1
Univ. of Minnesota–Twin Cities (Inst. of Child Development) 4.1
16. Columbia University (NY) 4.0
Cornell University (NY) 4.0
University of California–San Diego 4.0
University of Minnesota–Twin Cities 4.0
University of Pennsylvania 4.0
Univ. of California–Irvine (Dept. of Neurobiology & Behavior) 4.0
22. Indiana University–Bloomington 3.9
Johns Hopkins University (MD) 3.9
Northwestern University (IL) 3.9
University of California–Irvine (Cognitive Sci. Dept.) 3.9
University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill 3.9
University of Washington 3.9
28. Cornell University (Dept. of Human Development) (NY) 3.8
Duke University (NC) 3.8
Indiana University–Bloomington (Cognitive Science Program) 3.8
University of California–Berkeley (School of Ecation) 3.8
University of Chicago 3.8
University of Colorado–Boulder 3.8
University of Virginia 3.8
Univ. of Michigan–Ann Arbor (Combined Program in Ed. and Psych.) 3.8
36. Brown University (RI) 3.7
Carnegie Mellon University (Grad. School of Instrial Admin.) (PA) 3.7
Duke University (Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences) (NC) 3.7
New York University 3.7
Ohio State University 3.7
Pennsylvania State University–University Park 3.7
Pennsylvania State Univ.–University Park (Program in Human Development & Family Studies) 3.7
University of Iowa (Psychological and Quantitative Foundations) 3.7
University of Wisconsin–Madison (Department of Ecational Psychology) 3.7
Vanderbilt University (TN) 3.7
Washington University in St. Louis 3.7
47. Arizona State University 3.6
Emory University (GA) 3.6
University of California–Davis 3.6
University of California–Irvine (Psych. & Social Behavior Dept.) 3.6
University of California–Santa Barbara 3.6
University of Iowa 3.6
University of Oregon 3.6
University of Rochester (Brain & Cognitive Sciences) 3.6
55. Dartmouth College (NH) 3.5
Northwestern University (Dept. of Organization Behavior) (IL) 3.5
University of Arizona 3.5
University of Maryland–College Park 3.5
University of Michigan–Ann Arbor (Doctoral Program in Social Work & Social Science) 3.5
University of Minnesota–Twin Cities (Ecational Psychology) 3.5
University of Pittsburgh–Main Campus 3.5
University of Southern California 3.5
Univ. of Michigan–Ann Arbor (Organizational Behavior & Human Resources) 3.5
U. of Illinois–Urbana-Champaign (Dept. of Ed. Psych.) 3.5
Vanderbilt University (Peabody) (TN) 3.5
66. Michigan State University 3.4
Pure University–West Lafayette (IN) 3.4
SUNY–Stony Brook 3.4
University of California–San Francisco 3.4
University of Chicago (Ecational and Developmental Psych.) 3.4
University of Florida 3.4
University of Florida (Department of Clinical & Health Psychology) 3.4
University of Massachusetts–Amherst 3.4
University of Rochester (NY) 3.4
University of Southern California (School of Medicine) 3.4
Univ. of Texas–Austin (Child Development and Family Relations) 3.4
77. Georgia Institute of Technology 3.3
Northwestern University Medical School (IL) 3.3
Oregon Health and Science University 3.3
Rutgers State University–New Brunswick (NJ) 3.3
Teachers College Columbia Univeristy (Dept. of Human Development) (NY) 3.3
Teachers College Columbia University (Dept.of Counsel. and Clinic.Psych.) (NY) 3.3
University of Connecticut 3.3
University of Kansas 3.3
University of Missouri–Columbia 3.3
University of Texas–Austin (Dept. of Ecational Psych.) 3.3
University of Wisconsin–Madison (Human Development & Family Studies) 3.3
Vanderbilt University (Peabody) (Human & Organizational Development) 3.3
89. Boston University 3.2
Cornell University (Dept. of Ecation) (NY) 3.2
CUNY Graate School and University Center 3.2
San Diego State Univ./Univ. of California–San Diego 3.2
Teachers College Columbia University (Dept.of Health and Behavior Studies) (NY) 3.2
Tufts University (Eliot-Pearson Dept.of Child Development) (MA) 3.2
University of California–Santa Barbara (Counseling/Clinical/School Psychology) 3.2
University of Georgia 3.2
University of Virginia (Programs in Clinical & School Psychology) 3.2
U. of Maryland–College Park (Dept. of Human Development and Inst. for Child Study) 3.2
99. Florida State University 3.1
Pennsylvania State University–University Park (Program in Ed. Psych.) 3.1
Rice University (TX) 3.1
University at Buffalo–SUNY 3.1
University of California–Santa Cruz 3.1
University of Illinois–Chicago 3.1
University of Miami (FL) 3.1
Univ. of Illinois–Urbana-Champaign (Human and Community Development) 3.1
107. Boston College 3.0
Boston College (Dept.of Counseling, Developmental, and Ed.Psychology) 3.0
Claremont Graate School (CA) 3.0
Iowa State University 3.0
SUNY–Albany 3.0
Temple University (PA) 3.0
Texas A&M University–College Station 3.0
University of California–Davis (Department of Human & Community Development) 3.0
University of Alabama–Birmingham 3.0
University of California–Riverside 3.0
University of Colorado–Boulder (Ed. Psych. Program) 3.0
University of Georgia (Department of Ecational Psychology) 3.0
University of Missouri–Columbia (Dept.of Ed. and Counseling Psychology) 3.0
University of Pennsylvania (Psychology in Ecation Division) 3.0
University of Utah 3.0
Univ. of Kansas (Dept. of Human Development & Family Life) 3.0
123. Arizona State University (Division of Psych. in Ed.) 2.9
Brandeis University (MA) 2.9
Case Western Reserve University (OH) 2.9
Clark University (MA) 2.9
Michigan State University (Health Ecation & Counseling Psychology) 2.9
Rutgers State University–Newark (NJ) 2.9
Tufts University (MA) 2.9
University of Delaware 2.9
University of Denver 2.9
University of Kansas (Psychology and Research in Ecation) 2.9
University of Nebraska–Lincoln (Dept. of Ecational Psychology) 2.9
University of Nebraska–Lincoln 2.9
University of Washington (Area of Ecational Psychology) 2.9
136. Georgetown University (DC) 2.8
New York University (Dept. of Applied Psychology) 2.8
Northeastern University (MA) 2.8
Pure University–West Lafayette (Organizational Behavior and HR Mgment) (IN) 2.8
Syracuse University (NY) 2.8
Texas A&M University–College Station (Dept. of Ecational Psychology) 2.8
Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas 2.8
University of Kentucky 2.8
University of New Mexico 2.8
University of North Carolina–Greensboro 2.8
University of Notre Dame (IN) 2.8
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center 2.8
University of South Florida 2.8
University of Virginia (Curry) 2.8
Virginia Tech 2.8
151. Binghamton University (NY) 2.7
Colorado State University 2.7
CUNY Graate School and University Center (Dept. of E Psychology) 2.7
Fordham University (Division of Psychological and Ecational Services) (NY) 2.7
George Mason University (VA) 2.7
George Washington University (DC) 2.7
Pure University–West Lafayette (Dept. of Child Development) (IN) 2.7
SUNY–Albany (Dept. of Ecational and Counseling Psychology) 2.7
Temple University (Ecational Psychology) (PA) 2.7
Uniformed Services University of Health Science (MD) 2.7
University of Pittsburgh–Main Campus (Dept. of Psychology in Ecation) 2.7
University of South Carolina–Columbia 2.7
University of Tennessee–Knoxville 2.7
University of Vermont 2.7
Virginia Commonwealth University 2.7
166. Auburn University–Main Campus (AL) 2.6
Bowling Green State University (OH) 2.6
College of William and Mary (VA) 2.6
CUNY–City College 2.6
Fordham University (NY) 2.6
Georgia State University 2.6
Indiana University–Bloomington (Counseling and Ecational Psychology) 2.6
Kansas State University 2.6
Loyola University Chicago 2.6
New School Univesity (NY) 2.6
North Carolina State University 2.6
Rutgers State University–New Brunswick (Dept. of Applied Psychology) (NJ) 2.6
SUNY–Downstate Medical Center 2.6
Tulane University (LA) 2.6
University of Arizona (Dept. of Ed. Psych.) 2.6
University of Connecticut (Dept. of Ed. Psych.) 2.6
University of Connecticut (Human Develop. and Family Relations) 2.6
University of Georgia (Dept. of Child and Family Development) 2.6
University of Houston 2.6
University of Massachusetts–Boston 2.6
University of New Hampshire 2.6
University of Oklahoma 2.6
Wayne State University (MI) 2.6
189. Auburn University–Main Campus (Dept. of Fam. and Child Devlop.) (AL) 2.5
Baylor University (TX) 2.5
DePaul University (IL) 2.5
Kansas State University (Human Development and Family Studies) 2.5
Kent State University (OH) 2.5
Lehigh University (PA) 2.5
Louisiana State University–Baton Rouge 2.5
Miami University–Oxford (OH) 2.5
Ohio University 2.5
Pepperdine University (CA) 2.5
Rutgers State University–New Brunswick (Dept. of Ecational Psychology) (NJ) 2.5
Southern Illinois University–Carbondale 2.5
University of Alabama–Tuscaloosa 2.5
University of Arizona (Family Studies Div.) 2.5
University of Arkansas–Fayetteville 2.5
University of Delaware (Dept. of Ecational Studies) 2.5
University of Houston (Dept. of Ecational Psychology) 2.5
University of Louisville (KY) 2.5
University of Memphis 2.5
Virginia Tech (Family and Child Development) 2.5
Washington State University 2.5

Psychology Specialties: Social Psychology
Ranked in 2005*

1. Stanford University (CA)
2. University of Michigan–Ann Arbor
3. Ohio State University
4. Harvard University (MA)
5. Yale University (CT)
6. University of California–Los Angeles
7. Princeton University (NJ)
8. University of California–Santa Barbara
9. New York University
10. Columbia University (NY)
University of Illinois–Urbana-Champaign
12. University of California–Berkeley
13. University of Texas–Austin
14. Indiana University–Bloomington
Northwestern University (IL)
16. University of Wisconsin–Madison

『柒』 去美國留學服裝時尚設計碩士哪些大學好

奧蒂斯藝術設計學院(洛杉磯)(簡稱OTIS)成立於1918年,原創辦者Harrison Gray
弗吉尼亞聯邦大學(Virginia Commonwealth
VCU 在里士滿市區內有兩個校區:門羅公園校區和弗吉尼亞醫學院校區,VCU
fit的創始人莫蒂默(mortimer c
美國帕森斯設計學院或帕森設計學院(Parsons The New School for
薩凡納藝術與設計學院Savannah College of Art and
肯特州立大學(Kent State
時裝學院被Council of Fashion Designers of America列為全美前10;時裝營銷全美排名第5
加州藝術學院(英語:California Institute of the
Arts,簡稱:CalArts),是一所位於美國洛杉磯(Valencia,Los angeles,California)的頂尖藝術學院,由華特 ·
美國舊金山藝術大學(英文:Academy of Art
University),位於舊金山市中心,成立於1929年,是美國規模最大的私立藝術高校,全美國頂尖的藝術院校。該校的平面設計學院(School of
Graphic Design)和時裝設計學院(School of Fashion Design)在美國享有盛名,曾經培養出眾多著名的設計師。

『捌』 美國大學健康傳播學碩士研究生專業排名

最新美國大學傳播學專業排名,應該分為三個部分:應用傳播學、傳播教育以及傳播學理論與研究 。

一、應用傳播學:包括健康傳播學,政治傳播學, 公共關系學

APPLIED COMMUNICATION - Includes Health Communication, Political Communication, and Public Relations.

1 University of Pennsylvania - Annenberg School for Communication

2 University of Texas, Austin - Speech Communication Department

3 Indiana University - Speech Communication Department

4 University of Maryland, College Park

5 Pure University

6 Michigan State University - Communication Department

7 Stanford University

8 Northwestern University - Department of Communication Studies

8 University of Arizona

10 University of Southern California - Annenberg School for Communication

11 University of Oklahoma

12 University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign - Speech Communication Department

13 University of Kentucky

14 Arizona State University

15 Michigan State University - Mass Media Ph.D. Program

16 Ohio University - Interpersonal Communication Department

17 Pennsylvania State University

18 University of South Florida

19 University of Georgia - Speech Communication Department

20 University of California, Santa Barbara

21 Cornell University

22 University of New Mexico

23 University of Massachusetts, Amherst

24 Southern Illinois University, Carbondale

25 Ohio University

26 Northwestern University - Department of Radio-TV-Film

27 Wayne State University

28 Temple University - Rhetoric & Communication Department

29 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

31 University of Alabama

31 University of Denver

33 Louisiana State University

33 University of Connecticut

35 Bowling Green State University

35 University of Tennessee, Knoxville

37 University of Nebraska, Lincoln

37 Washington State University

39 Regent University



1 West Virginia University

2 University of Washington

3 Indiana University - Speech Communication Department

4 Pennsylvania State University

5 University of Nebraska, Lincoln

6 University of Oklahoma

7 Kent State University

8 Southern Illinois University, Carbondale

9 Northwestern University - Department of Radio-TV-Film

10 University of Missouri, Columbia

11 Wayne State University

12 University of New Mexico

13 New York University

14 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

15 University of Tennessee, Knoxville


COMMUNICATION THEORY & RESEARCH - Includes Nonverbal Communication, Family Communication, Persuasion, Interpersonal Communication, and Small Group Communication

1 University of Texas, Austin - Speech Communication Department

2 University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign - Speech Communication Department

3 Michigan State University - Communication Department

4 University of Wiscons

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浙江大學研究生院招生專業目錄 發布:2025-03-24 19:19:50 瀏覽:246
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上大學時和伯母的事 發布:2025-03-24 18:43:12 瀏覽:269