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發布時間: 2021-01-11 00:46:00

A. 「大學老師」的英文怎麼說不是teacher

lecturer 講師,或者professor 教授

B. 他們是大學的老師 用英語怎麼說

They are teachers of university.

C. 大學里的某門課程的老師,用英文怎麼講

A teacher of a course in a university.

D. 高校教師用英文怎麼說

高校教師是teachers of universities
大學老師teacher lecturer

E. 一個大學教授 用英語怎麼講

a college professor 或 a university professor 或 a professor 或 a professor in the college 或a professor in the university

F. 大學老師,用英文怎麼說

University Teacher

G. 大學以前的老師 用英語怎麼說


H. 大學教授用英語怎麼說

英語是: professor。
professor 英[prəˈfesə(r)] 美[prəˈfɛsɚ]
n. 教授; (大學的) 講師,教員; 自稱者,宣稱者;
[例句]In 1979, only 2% of British professors were female.

Robert Dunn is a professor of economics at George Washington University.

I have a professor on my staff here as liaison with our higher ecation institutions

At present he has become a Professor of Chemistry at Oxford.

The professor in his lecture went beyond the capacity of his audience.

He was appointed professor in the university for life.

I. 大學里的講師用英語怎麼說

講師 lecturer


教授 professor
副教授 associate professor
講師 lecturer
助教 teaching assistant
高級講師 senior lecturer
助理講師 assistant lecturer
教員 teacher
研究員 professor
副研究員 associate professor
助理研究員 assistant professor
研究實習員 assistant engineer
高級實驗師 senior engineer
實驗師 engineer
助理實驗師 assistant engineer
實驗員 technician
高級工程師 senior engineer
工程師 engineer
助理工程師 assistant engineer
技術員 technician
高級農藝師 senior agronomist
農藝師 agronomist
助理農藝師 assistant agronomist
農業技術員 agrotechnician
高級獸醫師 senior veterinarian
獸醫師 veterinarian
助理獸醫師 assistant veterinarian
獸醫技術員 technician
高級畜牧師 senior engineer
畜牧師 engineer
助理畜牧師 assistant engineer
畜牧技術員 technician
高級經濟師 senior economist
經濟師 economist
助理經濟師 assistant economist
經濟員 technician
高級會計師 senior certified public accountant
會計師 certified public accountant
助理會計師 assistant certified public accountant
會計員 accountant
高級統計師 senior statistician
統計師 statistician
助理統計師 assistant statistician
統計員 statistical worker
編審 professor
副編審 associate professor
編輯 editor
助理編輯 assistant editor
技術編輯 technical editor
助理技術編輯 assistant technical editor
技術設計員 technician
研究館員 professor
副研究館員 associate professor
館員 librarian
助理館員 assistant librarian
管理員 library staff
主任醫師 professor
副主任醫師 associate professor
主治醫師 attending doctor
醫師 doctor
醫士 medical assistant
主任葯師 chief pharmacist
副主任葯師 associate chief pharmacist
主管葯師 pharmacist
葯師 pharmacist
葯士 assistant pharmacist
主任護師 chief nurse
副主任護師 associate chief nurse
主管護師 nurse
護師 nurse
護士 nurse
主任技師 chief technician
副主任技師 associate chief technician
主管技師 technician
技師 technician
技士 assistant technician
博士後 post doctor
博士生 doctor student
碩士生 master student

J. 大學教授用英語怎麼說

University Professor

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