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1. 求歷屆全國大學生英語競賽C類的真題及答案,最好要有聽力資源

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2. 全國大學生英語競賽c類有什麼題型

Part I Listening Comprehension (30分)
前三節選擇題(提供題干,ABC三個選項),共20道,每道1分,聽一遍; 第四節填空題,10個空,每空1分,每空不超過5個單詞。
Section A短對話(5個題)
Section B長對話(10個題)
Section C 新聞(5個題) 5條新聞,每條內容相對長一些,題型類似專四聽力,注意題乾的問題細節,帶著問題去聽。
Section D (10空,10分) 聽兩遍
一篇文章,10個空,每個空填不超過5個單詞的內容。訓練速記的能力。 注意:
 空和前後文的內容聯系;
 名詞單復數,時態,大小寫等;
 「新」詞,如bi-engineering, lifesaving cures。(難點) 備考策略:
Part II Vocabulary and Structure (15分)
Part III Cloze (10分)
10個空,一個空1分,每個空填一個單詞,有三種形式: 1. 根據所給單詞正確形式; 2. 給出1-3個首字母; 3. 根據上下文填寫。

Part IV Reading Comprehension (40分)
閱讀部分和完型一樣,是「分數調節器」,可以設計的很難、有梯度。2012年英語競賽4篇文章,一篇5個題,每題兩分,題型多變,設計靈活。 備選題型(按形式分類):  是非判斷題(T,F,NG)
 問答題(答案不超過10個詞)  完成句子題
 總結題(每空一個單詞)  選擇題
 翻譯題(英漢翻譯,2道)
Part V Translation(10分)
Part VI Error Correction(10分)
Part VII IQ Test(5分)
Part VIII Writing(30分)
Task I (10分)
實用交際類作文,類似專四的便條。不少於100字。如寫邀請信、致歉信、求職信等。 Task II(20分)

Task I 應用文評分標准 一、評分原則: 1. 本題滿分為10分。
2. 評分時,先根據文章的內容和語言初步確定其所屬檔次,然後以該檔次的要求來衡量、確定或調整本檔次,最後給分。
3. 詞數少於80的,從總分中減去2分。
4. 如書寫較差,以致影響閱卷,將分數降低一個檔次。 二、各檔次的給分范圍和要求: 第四檔:8—10分
完全符合寫作格式的要求,覆蓋所有內容要點,表達思想清楚,文字通順,連貫性很好,基本上無詞彙和語法錯誤。 第三檔:6—7分
基本符合寫作格式的要求,有個別地方表達思想不夠清楚,文字基本通順、連貫,有少量詞彙和語法錯誤。 第二檔:3—5分

未恰當完成寫作格式的要求,漏掉內容要點,表達思想不清楚,文字多處出現詞彙和語法錯誤,影響了對寫作內容的理解。 第一檔:1—2分
未完成寫作格式的要求,明顯遺漏主要內容,表達思想紊亂,有較多詞彙和語法的重大錯誤,未能將信息傳達給讀者。 0分
白卷;作文與題目毫不相關;內容太少,無法評判;所寫內容無法看清。 Task II 議論文評分標准 一、評分原則: 1. 本題滿分為20分。
2. 評分時,先根據文章的內容和語言初步確定其所屬檔次,然後以該檔次的要求來衡量、確定或調整本檔次,最後給分。
3. 詞數少於120的,從總分中減去2分。
4. 如書寫較差,以致影響交流,將分數降低一個檔次。 二、各檔次的給分范圍和要求: 第四檔:16—20分
完全符合寫作格式的要求,覆蓋所有內容要點,表達思想清楚,文字通順,連貫性很好,基本上無詞彙和語法錯誤。 第三檔:11—15分
基本符合寫作格式的要求,有個別地方表達思想不夠清楚,文字基本通順、連貫,有少量詞彙和語法錯誤。 第二檔:6—10分
未恰當完成寫作格式的要求,漏掉內容要點,表達思想不清楚,文字多處出現詞彙和語法錯誤,影響了對寫作內容的理解。 第一檔:1—5分
未完成寫作格式的要求,明顯遺漏主要內容,表達思想紊亂,有較多詞彙和語法的重大錯誤,未能將信息傳達給讀者。 0分

3. 2019年全國大學生英語競賽C類題型有什麼變化









4. 急求全國大學生英語競賽c類試題!!!!!!!!!

12號考試 加油 我也是c類的
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收件箱有全部的題目 盡快下載 好好備考 祝考出滿意成績

5. 求歷年大學生英語競賽C類真題及答案

2011 National English Contest
for College students

(Level C-Preliminary)

Part I Listening Comprehension (30 marks)

Section A (5 marks)

In this section, you will hear five short
conversations. Each conversations will be read only once. At the end of each conversation,
there will be a twenty-second pause, read the question and the there choices
marked A,B and C ,and decide which is the best answer.Then mark the
corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre.

What does the man want to do?

Get something to eat now.

Find a quiet place that shows games.

Watch the next game with the woman.

Why does not the man have a MySpace account?

He is not skilled at using computer.

All of the instruction are in English

The woman won not teach him.

How long does the woman plan to try teleworking

For a few days.

For a few weeks.

For a few months.

What does the man hope will happen?

The price of cell phone novels will go down.

The novel』 author will writer longer stories.

The woman will tell him ho the story ends.

what is the woman going to do next?

turn on her computer.

Go for a walk with

Visit her new neighbors.

Section B (10 marks)

In this section, you will hear two long conversations.
Each conversation will be read only once.
At the end each conversation, there will be a one minute pause. During
the pause, read the questions, each with three choices marked A, B and C, and
decide which is the best answer. Then
mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line
through the centre.

Conversation one

What did Jack do over the summer?

He studied very hard.

He took a summer class.

He visited one of his teachers.

What does Jack think of Ms Wellington as a teacher?




Why is Ms Wellington』s class hard?

Her exams are difficult.

She does not give students the help they need.

She makes do lots of work.

Conversation two

Why is Mrs. Griffin going to the city where the hotel is

He is on holiday.

He』s on a business trip

He is going to a conference.

10. How many
times has Mrs. Griffin stayed at the Sunrise Hotel?

A. Twice.

B. Once.

C. Three times.

11. Where is Mrs.
Griffin form?

A. Canada.

B. New Zealand.

C. Australia.

12. What is Mrs.
Griffin』s passport number?




13. What kind of
room does Mrs. Griffin want?

A. A single room
for two nights.

B. A double room
for two nights.

C. A single room
for one night.

14. When will
Mrs. Griffin arrive at Sunrise Hotel?

A. at 9:15 pm

B. at 9:35 pm

C. at 10:00 pm

15. What food
will be put into Mrs. Griffin』s room?

A. a sandwich
with fries.

B. a cheese

C. a burger with

Section C (5Marks)

16. What does the
Associated Press ask editor and news directors to do?

A. vote for the
top stories of the year.

B. describe the
oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico

C. writes about
the 11 workers killed in the explosion

17. Where are the
doctors and technology experts from?

A. New York.

B. London

C. Tokyo

18. For how long
does President Obama agree to extend the tax cuts?

A. for four years

B. for three

C. for two years.

19. How many people in the world don』t have enough to
eat,according to the report?

A. more than one billion.

B. some six hundred million.

C. nearly nine hundred million

20. What have astronomers recently discovered?

A. there are unknown plants in older galaxies.

B. there are many galaxies in the universe

C. there are a lot more red dwarf in older galaxies

Section D (10 marks)

In the section, you will
hear a short passage. There are 10 missing words phrases. Fill in the blanks
with the exact words or phrases you hear. Remember to write the answer on the
answer sheet

What do you do if
you don』t get your first choice university? This ____ faces thousands of
British every year. Many such_____ turn to Clearing, a service that helps find
university places for students at the last moment. If they don』t have the marks
to get into their____, Clearing tells them about places available at other
university, though they might have to read a difficult subject.

This year has seen a record number of people
applying to university. This, combined with the _____________________,an
uncertain job market, and budget cuts at university, proct even more of a
scramble for places than usual. Some sources say six students have applied for
each remaining___________________________ place

The British University Admissions Service,
UCAS, says up to a quarter of this year』s university applicants-almost 190000
people-have not been admitted into a____________________________. That is an
increase of over 46000 students from last year.

Faced with these figure, some British
students might consider an interesting
alternative:_____________________________. The University of Nottingham for is
offering place at its campuses in Ningbo, near Shanghai, and Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia. Students at these institutions can earn University of Nottingham
degrees, according, engineering and English. Similarly, the University of
Bolton says it has unlimited places at its campus in the United Arab Emirates.

To deal with these problems, the UK』s Higher
Ecation Minister, David Willet』s, is encouraging students who have not made
the grade to consider alternatives to university, such as
_______________________and studying at home.

「There are arrange of options available, 「he
says. 「people can reapply next year, so they should consider spending this year
in a way that will add positively to their CVs. Getting _____________________or
other skills will strengthen their chances next year.」 Some commentators say,
though that rising university costs, poor long-term_______________________, and
a drop in graate recruitment mean this the worst time to be a university
student in the UK.

Part Two
Vocabulary and Structure (15 marks )

There are 15
incomplete sentences in this section. For each blank there are four choices
marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then
mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through
the centre.

31. After four days
of talks, we are glad to announce that the union and management have reached
an______. The agreement is fair and benefits both sides.

A. accord B. accomplishment C. identity D. undertaking

32. As the
clerk______prepared my milk shake, I wondered how long she had been working
there ,mindlessly making ice cream treats in a set order of steps.

A. logically B. methodically C. graphically D. synthetically

33. As a boy he wanted to be a fireman. As a high school
student, he thought he'd like to become a teacher. Now he______to be nothing
more than a janitor.

A. Assumes B. Prescribes C. Aspires D. Presumes

34. Regardless of what caused it, I an grateful that have
finally reached a point in my life_______I can appreciate my strengths, accept
my weaknesses and try to be comfortable with everything in between.

A. Why B. Where C. Which D. What

35. ______information provided by members of the public, the
police would have a much move difficult job.

A. Supposing B. Provided the C. If it were not for D. On condition that

36. Peter Brown was a
painstaking writer;______, he once spent half a day on the composition of a
single sentence.

A. On the other
hand B. Nevertheless C. Moreover D. For example

37.----What an I
going to do about a present for Carol?


A. Might have sent
her B. Must have sent her C. Could send her D. Would send her

38. Without the air
holding in some of the sun's heat, the earth______cold at night, too cold for
us to live on.

A. Will be
freezing B. Would be freezing C. An be frozen D. Would be frozen

39. The students in
our university each______an English dictionary. That is to say, each of the
students in our university______an English dictionary.

A. Have; has B. Have; have C. Has; have D. Has; has

40. Here's your
kitchen. I hope you enjoy cooking here. Is there______else that you need?

A. Something B. Anything C. Nothing D. Everything

41. David______his
business partner over plans to rece the workforce.

A. Came down to B. Broke down to C. Fell out with D. Went along with

42. ______is this
piece of equipment to be removed from the building.

A. On no
account B. Absolutely C. Scarcely D. Not at all

43. Helen' s parents
were______that she was still on the job., but she had resigned.

A. In doubt B. Of the opinion C. Under the impression D. With suspicion

44.----I don't think
I will ever, in my life, win a lottery of five million dollars.

----Well, ______.
Anything can happen.

A. You made it B. You're kidding C. What you say D. You can never tell

45.-----How did you
find the concert in the Grand Theatre last night?

-----______ but the
conctor was perfect.

A. I couldn't agree
more B. I didn't think much of
it C. I was crazy about it D. I really liked it


6. 求全國大學生英語競賽真題C類


7. 全國大學生英語競賽c類試題


8. 全國大學生英語競賽C類歷年試題


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