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金球獎(Golden Globe) 1999
Best Performance by an Actress in a TV-Series - Drama 凱麗·拉塞爾
Outstanding Cinematography for a Series Robert Primes
Outstanding Music Composition for a Series (Dramatic Underscore) (提名) W.G. Snuffy Walden
美國青少年觀眾票選大獎 1999
TV - Breakout Performance 凱麗·拉塞爾
TV - Choice Actor, Drama (提名) 斯考特·佛雷
TV - Choice Actress, Drama (提名) 凱麗·拉塞爾
TV - Choice Actor, Drama (提名) 斯科特·斯比德曼
TV - Choice Actress (提名) 凱麗·拉塞爾
TV - Choice Actor (提名) 斯科特·斯比德曼
TV - Choice Sidekick (提名) Amy Jo Johnson
TV - Choice Actress (提名) 凱麗·拉塞爾
TV - Choice Sidekick (提名) 伊恩·戈麥斯
TV - Choice Actor (提名) 斯考特·佛雷
TV - Breakout Performance (提名) 斯考特·佛雷
TV - Breakout Performance (提名) 斯科特·斯比德曼
TV - Choice Actress (提名) 凱麗·拉塞爾
TV - Choice Actor (提名) 斯考特·佛雷
Image Awards 2002
Outstanding Actress in a Drama Series (提名) Tangi Miller
American Society of Cinematographers, USA 2000
Outstanding Achievement in Cinematography in Regular Series' (提名) Robert Primes
ALMA Awards 2000
Special Achievement Award 伊恩·戈麥斯

② 大學生費莉希蒂第一季的基本資料

語言:英語 中文字幕

③ 大學生費莉希蒂第一季的演職員表

角色演員配音備注——Keri Russell--------——Felicity Porter--------——Scott Speedman--------

④ 大學生費莉希蒂的分集介紹

Felicity得知有人打電話到教務處想要看她的入學申請的論文,她以為是Ben(因為她看了ben的,ben也知道了,她以為他也會想要了解她),因此她了一份寄給了Ben。然而,felicity的父母卻來到了學校,原來想看她申請的是他們,因為他們想要搞清楚為什麼felicity毅然決然地放棄斯坦福來到紐約大學,他們想要說服felicity從紐約大學退學,再去上斯坦福。Noel出主意,讓felicity邀請她的父母參觀她的宿舍,讓他們了解她的生活,知道她生活的很好,可是事與願違,計劃沒有成功。felicity向父母坦白,她來到紐約是為了ben,但留下來是為了自己,她想自己一個人生活,離開父母,成為與以前不一樣的自己。她的話讓felicity的母親感到很受傷,felicity覺得自己和父母的關系screwed up了,但是隨後她的父親來找她,告訴她,他不能理解她,但他支持她,他會繼續為她支付學費,Felicity很感動。在f父母即將要離開紐約回去的時候,f的母親來到f宿捨去找她,她告訴felicity,她懂她,只是她不適應這么快離開女兒,也擔心f太快的愛上追隨那個男孩,因為她20歲生下了f,從此自己的理想目標都拋棄了,她不想f這樣。最後f與父母和好,f繼續留在紐約。
while playing a game of boggle in her room.felicity and Noel kiss.Meghan walks in on them,and quickly spreads juicy rumors.Felicity is upset when Elena(her new lab partner) believes that she is sleeping with Noel.Felicity accepts a maybe date with Noel.Just as she is begining to realize her feelings for him,she reveals that he has a girlfriend in chicago.Felicity tells him off and storms out of the restaurant.Noel apologizes and explains his situation,Julie tells Ben she only wants to be friends.She meets zach,a freshman film student who earns the nickname pink guy.after a laundry mishap.Julie upsets zach with her critical comments about his movie,Ben tries out for his track team.When he fails to make it ,Ben unaware that felicity attenfed his try_out tries to save face by telling her that he simply didnt have time to be part of the team.
En route to a study date,ben and Felicity are robbed at gunpoint in his loft.Ben has trouble sleeping,and begins hanging out with Felicity in the middle of the night.They are draw closer by the experience,as he confides in her about his abusive father.They decide to dress as Frankenstein and Frankenstein' wife for a halloween party at the loft.Ben forgets their costume plans,and completely ignores felicity at the party.She tells him off and accuses him of pushing her away because he felt awkward after sharing such personal recollections with her He says that he is tried of having to live up to her expectations.He later apologizes and gives her a necklace to replace the one stolen ring the robbery.Jullie and Zach bond ring a Halloween showing of the exorsist.Julie feels akward after zack kisses her,but later decides to begin seeing him.Elena sleeps with blair ,a guy she met at the party.Felicity takes a job at Dean & Deluca,a coffee shop.
Felicity believes that she and Ben are growing closer.Ben asks her to proofread his English paper and hand it in.She rewrites it in the hopes of helping him to get a better grade.The professor becomes suspicious and accuses Ben of cheating.Felicity confessed her actions to Ben.He is not only furious,but hurt that she seems to believe that he is stupid .He stubbonly refuses to allow her to turn herself in.Ben tried to learn the material in the paper before facing the hearing in front of the faculty members.He eventually admits that he didnt write the paper.The professor saves Felicity and Ben from expulsion,but they both fail the assignment.(Fecility had got an A,and Ben's original paper would have recieved a B) Julie prepares to see solaris with zach.She rents a beforehand because she is afraid that she will not understand the film.Blair constantly asks Elena for a date,while she dismisses their night together as a one night stand.
Ben gives the Felicity the cold shoulder after the cheating incident.She whines about the situation to Noel,who becomes very uncomfortable.He seeks advice from his fellow resident advisors,pretending that it is one of his advisees who is in this predicament.They recommend that he bar felicity from discussing Ben with him.Noel shares his dicision with Felicity,but ends up with leaving her hurt and angry.He repeatedly tries to rectify the situation,only to make things worse.The other resident adivisors tell him just to be a friend to Felicity for the time being,as there is no chance that he will ever date Felicity unless they maintain their friendship.Blair learns that elena may have to leave school.She would not open up to him,so he persuades Felicity to look in her file.They discover that Elena is experiencing financial problems,but discover a schoolarship that will end all her worries.She angrily refusses because the schoolarship recipient must be african american which makes her feel being despiced.She blames it on Felicity.Noel talks to Elena,telling her that he is never embarrassed about having financial problems on tuition which he also has experienced before.Elena finds it not humiliated at all to seek helps from others.She says thank you to Felicity and they are cool again.

⑤ 求美劇《大學生費莉希蒂》四季全部的資源從哪裡找啊英文字幕的


⑥ 大學生費莉希蒂第一季的分集劇情


⑦ 請問誰有大學生費莉希蒂(Felicity)1-4季的英文劇本,能給我發一個嗎


⑧ 請問有誰看完了大學生費莉希蒂

和Ben在一起了,Noal 結婚了,你去優酷上看,上面有一個片段就是最後的結局,看得我很傷感,裡面那首歌很好聽,莎拉·克勞克斯的I will remember you

⑨ 誰有大學生費莉希蒂全集的百度雲


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