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❶ 英語綜合教程4目錄


首先,Unit 1 'Business Ethics' 通過Text A 'Ethics in the Workplace' 引導學生探討職場道德,探討如何建立一個道德良好的工作環境。緊接著的Text B 'Developing an Ethical Culture' 探討如何培養企業倫理文化。在學習之餘,'Time For Fun' 為學生提供輕松時刻。

Unit 2 'Innovation and Market' 重點關注創新與市場策略。Text A 'Compete Through Innovation' 討論創新在競爭中的重要性,而Text B 'Market Research' 則教授如何進行有效的市場調研。'Time For Fun' 保持學習的活力。

繼續深入,Unit 3 'Business Negotiation' 學習如何通過談判解決問題,Text A 'Negotiation:Solving Problems' 介紹談判技巧,Text B 'Negotiation Tactics' 提供實戰策略。'Time For Fun' 使學習過程不乏樂趣。

Unit 4 'Human Resources Management' 側重人力資源管理,Text A 'Human Resources Management' 介紹管理人事的基本原則,Text B 'HR Is a Calling' 強調這一職業的責任感。同樣,'Time For Fun' 為學生提供短暫的休息時間。

進一步探討,Unit 5 'Managing Activities' 區分管理人與管理活動,Text A 'Managing People or Managing Activities' 討論管理的側重點,Text B 'The Functions of Management' 則深入解析管理職能。學習之餘,'Time For Fun' 保持學習節奏。

Unit 6 'The Trust Factor' 關注商業中的信任建立,Text A 'Cultivating the Trust Factor in Business' 告訴我們如何在商業中建立信任,而Text B 'When Does One Good Deed Deserve Another?' 提供道德考量的思考。'Time For Fun' 給予思維空間。

最後,Unit 7 'Behavioral Differentiation' 鼓勵學生通過行為差異化,Text A 'Differentiating Yourself Through Behavior' 提供個人成長的策略,Text B 'Creating Differentiated Goods and Services Customers Want' 教導如何滿足客戶需求。'Time For Fun' 為學習畫上輕松的句號。

課程的尾聲,Unit 8 'Project Management' 介紹項目管理知識,Text A 'Project Management' 詳述項目管理流程,Text B 'The Project Management Triangle' 討論項目管理三角模型。'Time For Fun' 給予學生短暫的放鬆時光。

此外,Vocabulary 和 Phrases 部分則提供了豐富的詞彙和短語,幫助學生鞏固語言技能,提升商務表達能力。

❷ 跪求:大學英語綜合教程4課後練習答案

Part II Text A
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Parts Paragraphs' ' Main Ideas
Part One Paras 1-2 Introction — Both Napoleon's and Hitler's military campaigns failed because of the severity of the Russian winter.
Part Two Paras 3-11 Napoleon's military campaign against Russia
Part Three Paras 12-20 Hitler's military campaign against the Soviet Union
Part Four Para 21 Conclusion—The elements of nature must be reckoned with in any military campaign.

Sections Paragraphs Main Ideas
Section One Paras 12-13 Hitler's blitzkrieg against Russia and Stalin's scorched earth policy
Section Two Paras 14-18 the battles fought at Leningrad, Moscow and Stalingrad
Section Three Paras 19-20 the Russian counter-offensive and the outcome of the war

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