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發布時間: 2021-12-16 00:05:58

Ⅰ 寫一篇英語作文祝賀信 關於祝賀高中同學經過三年的努力考取大學 在線等!

Congratulations to you !
I am glad to hear that you have performed brilliantly in the College Entrance Examination and successfully got the admission in the enrollment of XXX University,where you will be studying your major,English,there.
As far as I am concerned,it is the great efforts which you have made into the preparation of the final exam that results in this excellent achievement.I hope that you will show a better performance in the entirely new surroundings.
Congratulations again!Sincerely yours,XXX

Ⅱ 誰能幫我寫一份考上大學的祝賀信 英文的



I learned from *** that you were graated with high honours from **University yesterday. I can well imagine how proud of you your parents are now. As I understand, you will continue studies in the United States soon, I wish you greater success in your studies and research work,

With best wishes,






Ⅲ 寫封祝賀朋友考上大學的英文電子郵件

Dear Ma Lin,

Thank you very much for your letter congratulating me on my graation from Nanjing University with excellent academic results. My parents are very happy with my good results. They have always placed very high hopes on me and hope that I can further my studies overseas. I have applied for post-graate studies with three universities in the United States. So far, two universities have already offered me enrolment. So, I will be pursuing my studies in the United States about three months from now. Hope you can offer me more details about life in the States.
Thank you and let's keep in touch.

Your friend,
Wang Wai
September 22, 2006


Ⅳ 幫個忙用英語寫一封祝賀信,內容是祝賀朋友考入大學並將度過十十九歲生日

Dear friend, Congratulations ! am extremely glad to hear that you have been admited by a very good university !It is a good reward for your always hard-working ,and I wish it would be your new start both on your study and life !I have full confidence in you !And what makes me feel rapturous is your your 19th birthday is approuching What a wonderful thing !It brings joy twofold you !so on this exciting moment I am sharing the same excitement with you !And my best wishes for you ,and hope to be the forever friend in your whole life and share the same joy of success !I am so proud of you ! Best wishes again ! Yours' always ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 不知道字數夠否,你可以自己再添點,呵呵

Ⅳ 一篇英語作文祝賀信我的高中同學考上了大學

Congratulations on Tom's Success
148 Xisi Street
P. R. C.
June 18, 1990
Mr. Tom Brown
28 Carr Lane
Acomb York
Yo 25HU
U. K.
Dear Tom Brown,
I have just received your letter. I am really glad to hear that you have done so brilliantly in the Matriculation① Examination. Congratulations! With such excellent results you will be able to get into any leading university you like, I am sure. And I suppose you should study Medicine since it has been your dream to become a surgeon all these years.
Next year I shall finish my middle school and I want very much to enter my ideal university, Qinghua University. So from now on I have to make full use of my time to get well prepared for the next year's Matriculation Examination. I shall try my best to do as well as you have done in your Matriculation Examination this year. Please say hello to your family.
Yours sincerely,
Gao Feng

Ⅵ 《恭喜你考上大學》英文祝賀卡片怎麼寫

Congratulations on entering your ideal university (恭喜你考上理想大學。)

Ⅶ 英語作文考上大學並獲得獎學金的祝賀信

Hello xxx,
Congratulations to you! I am so proud of that the gate of the university you dreamed for has opened to you.
At the same time , congratulations to you for the full scholarship you received! You deserve it as you worked so hard and achieved what you want!
Best regard and keep in touch,

Ⅷ 朋友chen fang考上大學,給他寫一篇祝賀信 英語作文祝賀信

dear chen fang
When I heared the news that you had been admitted to famous university,I was quite happily .Congratulate with you very much.
The life in the university is greatly different from ours in the middle school ,I believe .First ,on the living type ,it』 leisure and freedom in the university ,which is not like tight and constraint in the middle school at all .Second ,on the studying ,in the university ,there is no long forced to learn by teacher ,no longer so many lectures to have to learn .You are learning by self-conscious and also can select you favorite lectures.
As long as you make use of your time and be studious to do every wonderful things .I believe your life in the university will be very colourful.
Yours sincerely

Ⅸ 用英語寫一封祝賀信,內容是祝賀朋友考入大學並將度過十十九歲生日

Dear XXX, I'm so glad to hear that you have got a place at the Univercity.My heartest congratulations to you.you always keep going towards your goals no matter how difficult you have the problems, All of us are very proud of you. And your 19th birthday is coming .Happy birthday to you,My dear friend! May you be happy everyday and have a brighter future.Best wishes ,yours, xxx

Ⅹ 祝賀某人考上大學的英語作文幫我寫一篇寫的好給200


Dear Li Ming,


I』m writing to congratulate you on your success in passing the university entrance examination。 You』ve done a good job。 Guessing that you may be excited about the new beginning, I』d like to give you some suggestions on your coming university life as well。


To begin with, it is advisable for you to master some computer skills for information technology is playing an increasingly important role in our society。


Next, emphasize should be given to English learning e to the fact that a high English level is valued in university。 Lastly, not only will you need time to study, you are also recommended to socialize。


I genuinely hope that you will take my advice into consideration。 Wish you a richful university life!


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