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發布時間: 2021-12-21 07:13:13

Ⅰ 英語翻譯一下。(莎莉自從上大學之後改變了許多。)

Shali changed a lot since she went to the university .我覺得應該不能用現在完成時啊,與一段時間連用需要延續性動詞,change應該是短暫性動詞吧。

Ⅱ 步入大學和畢業之後的計劃用英語翻譯如何說

the plan of going/stepping into university and being after graation

Ⅲ 進入大學改變的英語作文中英對照


Ⅳ 求英語演講:進入大學以後的變化

Good morning everyone:
Today, I am here to talk about the impacts of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Game on us.
The Beijing Olympic Game is the first Olympic Game in China. We have won 51 gold medals, 21 silver medals, and 28 bronze medals.
Despite the remarkable results in the sport, the Beijing Olympic Game had also shows the world the new China, the real China. In the seven years』 preparation, we presented to the world the incredible Bird Nest, the Water Cube and the marvellous opening ceremony.
When the Olympic Game is telling the world that China is indeed a great nation, we as ordinary citizens have a ty to live out a life as great nation』s citizens. The Game had changed almost every aspect of our daily lives. We are no longer just working hard for ourselves, but also for our nation to have a better future.
As a student, I suggest that we can start today to make a difference in our lives, in our study first, because we know that after the 2008 Beijing Olympic Game, we are part of the great nation, we should make a difference for our country. We can make a difference, because we are the young generation, we are the future of our country. Together, we can have a better future.
Thank you for your listening!

Ⅳ 你覺得你進大學以後有什麼變化回答用英文…大學英語題

My college life

As a sophomore, I am feeling the time flies. Recalling about the past one year, so many thoughts are flooding in my mind. At this time, I just can』t tell my real idea. The memory is just like so fresh, and all the things happened yesterday!

When first day I came to University, I really feel that the school is very good, but at the first sight of the dormitory, something disappointing come up to me! The condition of the dormitory is really very poor with only one room, no lavatory! I saw something sad in my father』s eyes, maybe that time he thought of the poor condition! So with a big smile on my face, I told my father」 it doesn』t matter, Dad. In this kind of condition, I will get myself better!」 My father felt better. But when he was coming back, seeing his back, I just wanted to cry! I felt in this city I was just isolated, from that time, I said to myself, 「 you have no others who can help you here, just depend on yourself」

Ⅵ 關於大學新生入學後改變的英語作文

It is so fantastic that I have so many desires in the Spring Festival of Y2007. It is expectable that I should finish some thing I can do for a significative spring festival.
First of all, I must to finish the winter holiday homework. It is necessary I have to do for improve and consolidate what I have leart last year.
Next,I want to attend a english training for oral english ability. It is ready for studying abroad after graate from high school or college. Fundamentally, I have chosen a good traning shool. I don't have to wait untill I accumulate the training fee throught the money gifts.
Then, I will pick up a foreign pen pal who is from the US, and she is going to china to be my guest this year. This is a good chance for my to practise english communication ability. I wish I could get a rapid progress in this way.
Finally,I need to prepare for the Olympic math contest next year. I can't let someone down who always care me.
However I have me plans to get the lunur new year through. I hope all of you guys have your own plans for the new year. may you succeed.

Ⅶ 一篇寫自己進入大學後後一個月前和一個月後後變化的英語作文

The Frist Month of My College Life
My first impression of college is that college is hard enough on most students without having to worry about fitting in the scene;no matter how small or large the college campus, students tend to worry about making a good first impression on their professors, classmates and others they come across.In this month, I summrised some tips about how to sink myself in the collesge life.

1、Dress appropriately. Wear a nice shirt and pants or jeans. Be comfortable—one don』t have to wear a dress suit everyday, but you don』t want to wear sweats and a tank top everyday either. Remember these teachers might one day have to write you a reference and your fellow students might one day be your co-workers or bosses.
2、Be polite. Smile, don』t talk loudly, especially on your cell phone. Pay attention. Teachers, classmates and others around you will respect you more.
3、Be on time. Impress your teachers by getting to class a little early. This also will give you a chance to pick a good seat (not in the back of the classroom), talk to other classmates, or take a break before class begins.
4、Strike up a conversation. Even if you are shy, try to casually talk to a classmate or professor before they talk to you. Introce yourself, talk about the weather or about an assignment. Something as simple as 「How was your weekend?」 can go a long way. This also could help another classmate feel more welcome.
5、Be prepared. Whether it』s studying for a test, reading an assignment or bringing something to class, do it. This will impress your teachers and any classmates who might be in a group with you for an assignment.
6、Speak intelligently. Talk clear and concise. Think about what you are going to say rather than simply blurting it out.
7、Be friendly. Have good posture, smile and laugh when it's appropriate. Speak up when necessary.
8、Express yourself. Whether it』s through a personal touch in your clothing or accessories, a short story at the appropriate time or in your work, be sure to show your personality and be creative.
Anyway,the college life is awesome.New teachers, new classmates and fresh friends are around me. I』ve felt their friendship, wide knowledge and opening mind. The grand library, school buildings and wide playground are very attracting to me. I am very eager to learn much knowledge quickly.
All in one,with the above tips,I think I can get into it perfectly.


Ⅷ 下面我想跟大家說一下上了大學之後的感觸用英語怎麼說

Now I want to talk to you about the University.

Now I want to talk to you about the University.


How time flies!After three years of study,I was finally enrolled to the university.At the moment,i have spent some years in the college campus.Looking back the history,it seems happend yesterday,and i have really changed a lot..
Today,i consider myself as a real alt,i could do many things which i can not in the old days.Such as washing the clothes and live on my own.becanse of the campus life,i changed a lot.
In terms of study,i really want to learn something rather than sit to wait for the bell to ring,what's more,i got used to self-study.i passed the computerized accounting through the self-intermediate certificates,qualification certificates,as well as CET-4/CET-6.Second,interms of life,i can live well indepently which proved myself and also proved we the generation 90s can live indepently,and i bilieve i can do it better in future .
This is the change of my college life ring the years.Although it is just a small change,yet it is of great importance to me.I believe if i study harder i could have a better life.just as the old saying goes "Where there is a will,there is way."
本文來自"英語匯作文網" www.yingyuhui.cn 歡迎分享本文,轉載請保留出處!

Ⅹ 來大學後的改變。求一篇100詞的英語作文

**月**日**年,after several years study,i finally entered the university.Time lapse,now i am a freshman/sophomore/junior/senior student.When i looked back,it seems it happend yesterday,memory haunted me.
Now, i am no longer a boy/girl,becanse of the campuss life,i changed a lot.
First,in terms of study,i get rid of sea tactical issues, and i got used to self-study. i passed the computerized accounting through the self-intermediate certificates,qualification certificates,as well as CET-4/CET-6.Second,interms of life,i can live well indepently which proved myself and also proved we the generation 90s can live indepently, and i bilieve i can do it better in future .
This is the change of my college life.Although it is not a drastic change,it usefull to me. I think if i study hard i can live well just as the old saying goes "Where there is a will, there is way."

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