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發布時間: 2024-06-23 09:57:26

Ⅰ 鍗椾含鍖葷戝ぇ瀛﹂檮灞炲弸璋婃暣褰㈠栫戝尰闄㈠尰闄JCI璁よ瘉

Nanjing Medical University Affiliated Friendship Plastic Surgery Hospital has embarked on a rigorous pursuit of JCI accreditation, a globally recognized standard set by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO). This independent entity, comprising international experts from diverse regions such as Western Europe, the Middle East, Latin America, Asia-Pacific, North America, Central and Eastern Europe, and Africa, assesses the quality and management of healthcare facilities beyond the US borders.

JCI certification is a stringent benchmark, focusing on achieving the highest standards with a patient-centric approach. It involves implementing policies, proceres, and processes to continually improve quality and align with local cultural norms. The comprehensive JCI standard encompasses 368 elements, including 200 core standards and 168 non-core ones, covering critical areas like patient access to care, health status assessments, infection control, patient rights, and health ecation. It also emphasizes public facilities, staff qualifications, quality improvement, leadership collaboration, and information management.

The Friendship Hospital actively engages in JCI-related activities, aiming to achieve international accreditation by 2010. In 2009, a study group from the hospital visited the JCI-accredited Zhejiang Ouyifu Hospital for comprehensive learning. The returnees found the experience highly beneficial. Following that, on January 6th, 2010, the hospital invited renowned JCI experts to conct training on the accreditation process for all involved. This training not only bolstered their confidence but also urged them to diligently follow the experts' guidance in their JCI preparations. The ultimate goal of pursuing JCI certification is not just for recognition, but to enhance medical quality and ensure patient safety through rigorous standards and practices.



Ⅱ 南京醫科大學友誼整形醫院怎麼樣







Ⅲ 南京醫科大學友誼整形醫院正規嗎 site:www.sxycrb.com


Ⅳ 南京醫科大學附屬友誼整形科好不好


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