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發布時間: 2024-07-02 13:16:27

① 誰能幫我寫一份考上大學的祝賀信 英文的



I learned from *** that you were graated with high honours from **University yesterday. I can well imagine how proud of you your parents are now. As I understand, you will continue studies in the United States soon, I wish you greater success in your studies and research work,

With best wishes,






② 怎樣寫一封祝賀朋友考上大學的英文信


A Letter of Congratulations

Directions: You are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic A Letter of Congratulations.

You should write at least 120 words and base your con, position on the outline given in Chinese below.




A Letter of Congratulations


Dear XXX, I'm so glad to hear that you have got a place at the Univercity.

My heartest congratulations to you.

you always keep going towards your goals no matter how difficult you have the problems, All of us are very proud of you.

And your 19th birthday is coming .

Happy birthday to you,My dear friend! May you be happy everyday and have a brighter future.

Best wishes ,yours, xxx


Dear Xiao Wang,

I am writing to congratulate you on having been admitted to Tianjin Normal University and majoring in economics.

All that you have gained is the result of your hard work.

I wish you would continue your efforts and gain further success in the new environment.

Although we are separated now, our hearts are linked to each other.

Please keep in touch with me.

I often recall our high school life.

In those days, we stayed, played and studied together.

We enjoyed each other's company so much that we have maintained our friendship till now.

I learnt a lot from you, and even today I often remember how hard you studied.

You told me that you were determined to be an expert in economics, and now you are beginning to realize your dream.

Your success tells me that hard work will pay in the end.

Your example is a constant inspiration to me.

Congratulations again.

③ 寫一篇好朋友考上耶魯大學的英文祝賀信

The sky attract you fly, marine calling you to set sail, inspire you to climb mountains, plains Xinmayoujiang waiting for you go, let you have a bright future!
In difficulties in mining strength, cultivate confidence and you share in vacillating.
You cherish today and with enthusiasm to embrace tomorrow, the future will belong to you!

譯文:天空吸引你展翅飛翔,海洋召喚你揚帆啟航,高山激勵你奮勇攀登,平原等待你信馬由韁 出發吧,願你前程無量!
在困難中採掘力量,在動搖中培育信心 與你共勉。
你珍惜今天 又以百倍的熱情擁抱明天,未來一定屬於你!,可適當添加內容

④ 求一篇祝賀朋友考上大學的英文祝賀信,要求六十字左右,

Dear Mr. Liu,
Your academic performance in the courses you completed in Fall 2007 indicates that you have done well, and we are pleased to see that yourGrade Point Average (GPA) in the courses you completed in the Fall 2007 term is in the 3.00 and above range.
Congratulations on your performance. I wish you good luck as you continue to strive for excellence in your studies.
Prof. M. Catherine Bolton
Associate Dean, Student Academic Services
Faculty of Arts and Science

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