⑴ 大學體驗英語綜合教程4 第三版 passageA課文翻譯及課後翻譯題的答案
人人都知道孤兒院和養老院絕不能替代家庭。人們的感覺是只有家庭才能給老人與幼童提供使他們會產生滿足感的一切。對子女來說,享有父母的呵護毋庸多說,因為這是一種本能的父輩的情感。不過晚輩對於長輩的孝敬,正如中國的一句俗話 「水往低處流」 所說,則需要由文化去培養。一個自然人必會愛其子女,但只有受過文化教育的人才會珍愛和孝敬父母。這個愛老、敬老的原則最終成為了大眾所信守的准則,並且根據某些著書立說者所言,在父母年老時能有幸在其身邊服侍,實際上已成為一種強烈的願望。父母生病了卻沒有機會在病榻前親侍葯湯,亡故時未能親臨送終,已被有文化的中國人視為終身最大的遺憾。官員到了五六十歲尚不能迎養父母,於官署中晨昏定省,會被視為道德缺失而倍感羞愧,不得不常向親友和同僚解釋他不能迎養孝敬的理由。從前有個人,因趕回家時父母已亡故,悲痛之
⑵ 大學英語綜合教程4Unite5課後答案
Unit 5
Text A
Language Sense Enhancement
1. struck
2. mild
3. gentle
4. raise it
5. benign
6. with point
7. something of
8. made every penny
9. small and frail
10. not bear to hurt a fly
Language Focus
7. 1) In a way
2) in accordance with
3) vacancy
4) in good condition
5) transparent
6) rub
7) spicy
8) hitherto
9) with (a) bad grace
10) instinct
11) pawned
12) current
8. 1) turned up
2) will stick to
3) brought back
7) turning, over
8) took, aback
9. 1) has a very weak constitution – she may not be able to survive the operation.
2) was taken aback by the insurance company’s rejection of my compensation claim.
3) was something of a surprise when we ran into each other in a place like that.
4) needs trimming /to be trimmed – it’s getting too long.
5) are often deceptive.
4. 1) Oddly enough, went broke, wrinkled, he had gone all to pieces
2) definite, is capable of, her vanity,
3) too mild, sipping, stroke
II. Usage
5) Except for
6) Except that
7) except
8) except when
9) except to
10) except what
11) except where
12) except that
III. British and American English
AME: can, candy, faculty, mail, railroad, store
BRE: flat, lift, ground floor, trousers, tube/underground, maize
AME: favorable, meter, defense, plow, tire
BRE: paralyse, catalogue, leveling, programme, practice, characterise
Comprehensive Exercises
5. 1) insane
2) current
3) candid
4) capable
5) was taken aback
6) in good condition
7) constitution
8) go all to pieces
9) gone broke
10) vacancy
11) mild
12) deceptive
6. 1) suspected
2) pleading
3) confirmed
4) stunned
8) urge
9) spell
10) arrested
5. 1) I have an instinct that Henry will seek to join the expedition, because he is something of an adventurer.
2) He is capable of sticking to the task at hand, even if he is exposed to noises.
3) The trademark was registered in accordance with the laws hitherto in force.
4) Oddly enough, many people volunteered to help organize the meeting, but only a few turned up.
5) The teacher’s affectionate words, along with his candid comments, changed the way Mike perceived the society and
6. For my own part, I find that appearances are all too often deceptive. For instance, you might be wrong if you judged by
appearances only people like Edward Hyde Burton. In appearance, he seemed a man all of a piece. He was a tiny little fellow with white hair and mild blue eyes, gentle and candid. Nevertheless, he turned out to be very cruel he insulted and fooled Lenny who was down and out and made him commit himself to an insane venture. What was still more surprising was that he was completely indifferent to Lenny’s death. Without doubt, Burton was a man with a heart of stone.
;⑶ 急!大學體驗英語(第二版)綜合教程1~4冊的課文翻譯和課後練習答案、
A篇 學無止境
她掃了一眼眼前這一張張不安的臉,問道:"5道題全答完的有多少?" 沒人舉手。 "做完4道的有多少?" 還是沒人舉手。 "3道呢?兩道呢?" 學生們再也坐不住了。 "那麼一道呢?總有做完一道的吧。" 教室里依然鴉雀無聲。老師擱下試卷,說道:"這我早料到了。"
B篇 回眸大學
A篇 網際網路與教育
教育會越來越多地在網上推廣開來。 在以什麼方式和什麼時間上課的問題上,學生們會有更多的選擇。他們將很容易就找到自己喜歡的班,而且可以多次復習教學內容,使用教材,直到滿意為止。網際網路不僅為我們尋找樂趣提供了一個絕妙的機會,而且可以讓我們以更方便和更經濟的方式學到知識。在我看來,未來的在線生活是不可避免的。
B篇 凱莉•麥基
凱莉是一個成功的學生, 她每個學期都修12個學分。她計劃完成文學、藝術、和科學的學士學位,然後在網上繼續她的碩士學位的學習。
蘇珊•韋特克絲,賓西法尼亞州立大學杜博瓦校區的英語教師說:"凱莉不僅激勵了其他的學生,同時也激勵了那些有幸認識她的工作人員。她讓我們意識到我們的事業是多麼有意義。" Unit3
A篇 俱樂部和社團
人們投身社團生活的程度各不相同。有的完全沉醉於一個俱樂部,在接下來的三年裡幾乎不跟非本俱樂部成員說話,直至成為該組織的領導者。其餘的人更願意選擇靈活的方式,參加幾個社團,參加凡是他們感興趣的活動。 還有許多人,也許有點笨,完全無視大學社團的存在,只是與大學里的夥伴們在一起打發時間。
B篇 心態平衡
A篇 瑪塞娜的工作經歷
B篇 獨立生活
我第一次決定離開家是在高中二年級的時候。那時我與父母相處不是很融洽。兜里裝著大約一百美元,我就想著要離家出走。剛離開家三個星期,我便開始想家了。與父母一起生活完全不同於獨立生活。說獨立生活是一種完全不同的經歷,主要有三個原因: 更具責任感,更有決策權,以及更多的創造性。
因此,通過獨立生活我變得更具有創造力。我能設計自己的未來。我制定了自己要遵守的規則。我用木工工具, 設計製作自己房間里的所有傢具。我寫了許多歌曲, 並把它們保存在我的筆記本里,等著送給感興趣的歌手。這對我而言是一個很好的經歷,因為我常認為有創造力是世上最美好的事物。然而,當我和父母在一起的時候,我覺得自己之所以很難有創造力,就是因為我老是跟著他們的想法跑。
A 篇 信息台
我飛快摘下了聽筒,貼在耳朵上。「信息台嗎?」我沖著話筒說道。咔嗒兩聲後,耳邊響起了一個細小清晰的聲音。 「信息台。」 「我弄傷了手指……」我哭喊著。因為有個人聽我傾訴,淚水一下子就涌了出來。 「媽媽不在家嗎?」 「家裡除了我沒有外人,」我抽泣著說。 「流血了嗎?」 「沒有,我用錘子砸傷了手指,好痛。」 「你會開冰箱嗎?」她問。我說,會。 「那你鏟一小塊冰下來,敷在手指上。」 從此以後,凡事我都打電話找「信息台」。我向她請教地理作業或數學題。
我的小鳥金絲雀死時,我告訴了「信息台」這個痛苦的消息。她試圖安慰我,但我還是很傷心。我問她,「為什麼鳥兒歌唱得那麼好聽,讓所有家庭都開心,到頭來還是變成了籠底的一堆羽毛呢?」她一定體會到了我深深的痛楚,因為她平靜地說,「保羅,永遠記住另外的世界也可以唱歌。」不知怎的,我感到好受些了。 又一天,我拿起電話問,「你怎麼拼寫 『感激』呢?」 所有這一切都發生在太平洋西北岸的一個小鎮子里。我九歲時,全家搬到了波士頓。 十來歲時,那些童年的談話從未真正從記憶中消退。這時,我體會到了她肯把時間花在小孩子身上是多麼的有耐心,多麼體貼,多麼善良。
我笑了。「真的還是你,」我說,「你知道那時候你對我有多重要嗎?」 我告訴她這些年我常常念起她。我問她可不可以再給她打電話。 「當然可以,」她說,「說找莎麗就行了。」
三個月後我回到西雅圖。一個不同的聲音答道,「這里是信息台。」我說要莎麗接電話。「你是她的朋友嗎?」她說。「是的,是她的老朋友,」我答道。 「很抱歉告訴你,」她說,「五個星期前莎麗去世了。」 正准備掛電話,她說,「等一等。你說你叫保羅是嗎?」 「是的。」 「哦,莎麗留了口信給你。」她說,「告訴他我還是認為另外的世界也可以唱歌。他會明白我的意思的。」 我說了聲謝謝,掛斷了電話。我明白莎麗的意思。
B 篇 網路—我獲取信息的主要來源
⑷ 急求全新版大學英語綜合教程4的第四,第五課textB翻譯!Nameless Faces和 Globalization,Alive and Well
The blind man knew the sound of different machines in the pub like the
back of his hand. I don't know how long it took him to distinguish the
sounds of various machines, but it must have taken him a lot of time,
because he only worked in one pub at a time.
However, he has jobs in both towns. He will work in frat first, until
it's dark, and then go to Jessup. When he heard a car coming, he would
stop by the side of the road, the lights would shine on him, sometimes
they would stop to give him a ride, sometimes they would not, and they
would drive right by him on the frozen road.
Take him or not depends on whether the car is full and whether there
are women, because the smell of the blind man is very strong,
especially in winter. But there will always be people stopping to let
him up, because he is blind.
在雙賓語中,兩個賓語間的關系比較鬆散,有的句子去掉其中一個賓語,句子仍然成立。雙賓語一般表示「為誰(forsb.)或給誰(to sb.)……」,即「及物動詞+間接賓語+直接賓語」的結構可以改寫為「及物動詞+直接賓語+for sb.或to sb.」的結構。例如:Please show me your new book.→Please show your new book to me.請給我看看你的新書。She bought me some tomatoes.→She bought some tomatoes for me.她給我買了一些西紅柿。
⑸ 復旦大學出版社21世紀大學實用英語綜合教程第四冊課後練習題的答案和課文的翻譯,謝謝!
1世紀大學實用英語 第四冊 綜合教程
Unit 1
5. forbade; mourning; charge; accumulate; begged; declared; narrow; penniless; unloading; stolen; absence; faithfully
6. a good deal of; speak of; leading on; stood on his feet; at the most; both and; counted out; with the help of; heard of; be blessed with
7. Extremely hot as it is, the workers are still working in the factory.
Ill as she was, she continued to carry out her ties.
Young as she was, she was already a highly successful businesswoman.
Big and strong as he is, he trembles at the sight of a snake.
Excited as we were at the news, we tried to keep ourselves calm.
Freezing cold as it was, Father went out hunting with his dog.
8. As soon as she entered the room
as soon as I heard the news
as soon as he graated from university
as soon as I find a job
As soon as he felt better
as soon as he began to speak
9. had; until; who; kind; several;many; how; in ; blank/unanswered; if; grade; careers; deserve; do; forgotten; name
10. Driven by a strong will, he eventually fulfilled the task he had undertaken.
He promised to write to me as soon as he got there, but nothing has been heard of him so far.
The boss has never been so pleased with any employee before. The young man is a real find.
With the help of the doctors and nurses, the patient was able to stand on his feet once more and soon resumed working.
The old man』s wrinkled face spoke of the hardships he had enred in his life.
When she recovered somewhat, she leaned on the window watching the children play on the lawn.
Text B
15. reputation; purchased; portray; cultural; restoring; vanished; racism; pregnant; uphold; immense; debt; decent
16 to this day; passed; think of as; out of habit; open a door to; kept his word; be attributed to; pave the way; care about; think twice
Unit 2
5. statistics; versions; legal; adventurous; fate; indeed; chatting; online; owed; internet; hopefully; expenses
6.insisted on; gave notice; base on; form the beginning; in the middle of; off from work; every so often; fell asleep; conform to; leave for
7. It has been / It』s ages since
It has been / It』s some 10,000 years since
It has been / It』s a couple of years since
It has been / It』s two months since
8. what the boss requested him to
what she wanted
what his happiest moment was
What I』m about to say
9. We saved up enough money for a nice apartment after having lived in the dormitory room for four years.
Cassie picked up the receiver and spoke briefly before handing it to her husband.
Mr. Morgan returned home soon after getting to the office because he』d left some important papers behind.
The actress has been taking some time off to get her life back in order before leaving for Hollywood next week.
10. shouldn』t; going; mistakes; times; start; or; then; instead; loss; it; be; lessons; some; strengths; better
11. He failed the test but it was his own fault; he never did any work.
She told me she had been deceived by a young man who claimed to be the son of a banker.
Mary left her husband because she couldn』t stand his cruelty any longer.
One thing that Mom insisted on was that John finish his homework before watching any TV programs.
When Bill became overly obsessed with online chatting, things began to change. No longer was he the hard working student he was when he first came to college.
I told you from the beginning that there was a world of difference between online dating and actually living together.
Text B
16. carpenter; confide; retirement; subject; frustrating; cheerful; alert; volunteers; admitted; acquainted;
17. once in a while; reaching over; hang onto; in his nature; took a deep breath; transferred from to; blew her nose; leaned against
Unit 3
5 concert; virtually; genuine; applaud; performance; conclude; distinguished; instrument; instructed; absorb; evidently; favorite
6. at last; be capable of; was fond of; came to its feet; be turned off; in panic; go on to; work out; was engaged in; reach for;
7. she did say that
I did see them yesterday
I do mean to quit the job
I do like pop music a lot
8. It was said that the writer was born in this very humble cottage
This very tradition has been kept until today. (or: This tradition has been kept until this very day.)
Martin was the very man who proced the widely accepted proposal.
It』s that very pride of yours that』s blinding you from your faults.
9. take; read; longer; upon; feel; by; music; me; love; gathered; what; mountains; felt; winds; goings
10. After the performance, the audience all came excitedly to their feet with genuine applause that lasted for quite a few minutes.
Seeing me in panic, the hostess reassured me that what I was instructed to do next was something I was definitely capable of.
He was completely absorbed by a fraction problem the whole afternoon. No wonder he was overjoyed when he finally worked the problem out.
「Once Henry is submerged in his own thoughts, he』s virtually deaf.」 Thus remarked Mrs. Smith.
Don』t you think it』s unsafe to conclude hastily when we are not sure about the accuracy of the statistics?
She sat uneasily in front of the piano and ventured a note. It was her first time to touch a musical instrument.
Test B
15 fame; genius; resemble; promptly; piano; apartment; poverty; artist; evaluate; miracle; explore; harmony
16 broke into; got tired of; as far as; that way; congratulate ourselves on; not at all; wore out; had grown into; out of danger; with ease
Unit 4
5. article; savings; generous; adopted; conceited; functions; tape; headlines; donate; entrance; press; monthly
6.turned around; talk into got around to; has set his heart on; in turn; give back; comes up; by hand; adds to; pack into
7. Now that you have made your decision, we will try every means to support you
Now that it is raining, we might as well stay at home watching TV instead of going to the cinema
Now that the examination is around the corner, I suggest that you spend more time reviewing your lessons
Now that he turns a deaf ear to our advice, we needn』t talk to him any longer
8. I will stay there as long as I can.
He ate as much as he could.
You can do it by speaking as loudly as you can.
He tried to make it as interesting as he could.
Well, his speech was as silly as you could imagine.
I don』t know, but I will come back as early as I can manage to.
9. for; way; because; mission; who; chose; make; is; thanks; for; average; spend; to; after; possible
10. I have decided not to go to the interview because the job advertisement has made it clear that only a college graate is eligible for the post.
She makes her son practice the piano every day. It seems that she has set her heart on making a pianist of her son.
When I was a child, I enjoyed doing errands for my mother. I could keep the small change.
His excellent performance spoke to every member of the audience. No one made any sound throughout it.
When I finally got around to visiting him in hospital, it was too late.
Since he is so stubborn, I don』t intend to talk him into considering our suggestion, either.
Text B
16. dean; recall; convince; necessity; nominated; self-sufficient; fatigue; minority; exceptional; dedication; uncomfortable; persistence
17. dreamed about; on welfare; in honor of; put out; go into; think over; stepped in; went up to; make your way; transferred to
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⑺ 大學英語綜合教程4的課後習題答案以及課文翻譯
⑻ 新視野大學英語第4冊(第二版第九、十單元)翻譯答案
unit 9
1. 盡管他們做出了巨大的努力,但目前為止,博物館每天的參觀者仍然 還是很
少。(for all; so far)
For all their great efforts, the museum's daily attendance has so
far still been very low.
2. 作為對政府檢查員批評的回應,公司改變了一些做法,而不是放棄自 己的規
定。(in response to; rather than)
In response to criticism by government inspectors, the company
changed some of its practices rather than gave up its rules.
3. 警方提醒乘客,不要將錢和貴重物品放在提包里,以防被盜。 (warn
The police warned the passengers against putting money and
precious things in bags lest they should be stolen.
4. 調查應集中於父母和孩子們如何看待學校滿足他們需求的那些辦 法。
(focus on)
Surveys ought to focus on how parents and children perceive the
ways in which the school satisfies their needs.
5. 一瞬間,特斯(Tess)由一個天真的女孩變成了一個成熟、受過 良好教
育的女子。 (in a flash)
In a flash, Tess changed from an innocent girl to a mature and
well-ecated woman.
6. 我能證實200列新火車正在製造中,第一批將在今年五月投入運營 。
(come into service)
I can confirm that 200 new trains are being manufactured and that
the first of those trains will come into service in May this year.
1. For all their explanations, the union still believed the
company's dress and appearance code offends indivial liberty and
violates the labor law.
盡管他們做了解釋,工會仍然認為公司的著裝規定侵犯了個人自由, 也違反
2. Management has granted a 10% pay rise in response to union
pressure but refused to make any further concession.
在工會的壓力下,資方已同意提高10%的薪酬,但是拒絕做出進一步 的讓步
3. We can reform our public health care system, which still gives
us, for all its flaws, the best health care in the world.
我們可以改革我們的公共衛生醫療體系,該體系雖然有缺陷,但仍為 我們提
4. If he has the money and no good excuse for not paying what he
owes you, the only solution may be to take him to court.
如果他有錢,而且沒有充足的理由不償還欠你的錢,那將他告上法庭 也許是
5. Efforts to resolve the conflict in the Middle East, which has
caused more than 100 deaths since February of last year, have so far
been fruitless.
直到目前,解決中東沖突的各項努力都沒有任何成效;中東沖突自去 年二月
6. In this chapter we focus on how to arrange your gathered material
in the form of an argument.
unit 10
1. 無論你的智商有多高,你的看法都受到個人經歷的局限,因此要學會吸納他
人有用的觀點。(no matter...)
No matter how high your IQ is, your view is limited by the
experience you have had and so you should learn to incorporate the
useful perspectives of others.
2. 這個游戲非常有趣,他們誰也沒有注意到時間的流逝。(Use inverted
order of "so... that...";take note of)
So interesting was the game that none of them took note of the
passage of time.
3. 我一直在整理這些舊文件,看看哪些有用,哪些需要扔掉。(sort
I've been sorting through these old documents to see which are
useful and which can be thrown away.
4. 隨著年齡越來越大,你應該考慮未來的計劃。(reflect on)
As you get older you should reflect on future plans.
5. 他在演出中的亮相簡直是個轟動。(nothing less than)
His appearance in the show was nothing less than a sensation.
6. 他們每個月都從工資中留出一筆錢,用於孩子將來的教育。(set aside)
Every month they set aside a particular amount of money from their
salary for the sake of their kid's ecation in the future.
1. No matter how promising your situation, or how creative you can
be, hard work is always essential to your success.
2. So strong are his first impressions that sometimes they defy
revision even when many other people think differently.
3. Our aim is nothing less than to make China the best trained and
ecated nation in Asia.
4. On international relations China would continue to develop
relations with foreign countries in seeking a favorable international
environment for its reform and to make contributions to world peace
and development.
5. I'll keep at it—whatever the challenges might be—and never
give up until I achieve success.
6. The latest research seems to imply that without the software of
emotional maturity and self-knowledge, the hardware of academic
training alone is worth less and less.
⑼ 大學英語綜合教程4課後翻譯 1-8單元 上海外語教育出版社的 謝謝啦~~
5.Children in remote mountain areas are lacking in scientific and cultural knowledge.
Unit 4
Passage A
1.Young as my sister is she already knows for sure what career she is going to follow.
2.My uncle whose photo I showed you yesterday will come to see us this afternoon.
3.It is because of its very functional flexibility that makes English become a global language.
4.In the name of our research center we are very glad to pass on our greetings to you,our overseas guests.
5.This new engine is superior to the old ones in that it consumes much less fuel.
Passage B
1.He suggested at the board meeting that the easy task (should) be left to Mary whose health is poor.
2.Mr. Brown who is in Hong Kong now has a lot of teaching experience and will come to teach our students in the spring.
3.This is the best hotel in our city in which the food is very good and the same is true of the service.
4.In order to attract more passengers the captain assured all the passengers of the safety of traveling by ship.
5.His new car for which he paid ¥ was seriously damaged in an accident and was beyond repair.
Unit 5
Passage A
1.The airplane they boarded soared out of sight as soon as it took off.
2.At the meeting the two sides had a very hot debate. The reformers put forward many reforming measures but conservatives were in opposition to the proposed changes.
3.In the long run we should learn more about science and technology. Besides the major subject the knowledge of computers English and driving is necessary in our work.
4.She does gymnastic exercises four times a week in quest to achieve the perfect body.
5.Every the morning in the park some old people are doing physical exercises there chatting with each other.
Passage B
1.I wouldn't have troubled him so much if I had known he was so busy.
2.When it comes to music she gets very excited and chatted endlessly with you.
3.Whatever you do don』t tell her or the world will know.
4.We』d only just met but I was already struck quite forcibly by her extreme intelligence.
5.She said she was going to America which brought me up short.
Unit 6
Passage A
1.She portrayed her childhood as a time of wonder and discovery.
2.Experiments showed that non-smokers committed fewer errors than smokers.
3.Football fans are often highly regarded not for their own achievement but through their connection to a team that wins.
4.Despite the wonderful acting the three-hour movie could not hold our attention.
5.Professor Wang is the only doctor I can rely on to save my son.
Passage B
Unit 1
Passage A
1.With his promotion he has taken on greater responsibilities.
2.He felt he did not have to make such a commitment to John any more.
3.Mary likes to go shopping in her spare time as opposed to Lucy who prefers to stay at home reading.
4.At best he's ambitious at worst a power-seeker without conscience or qualifications.
5.We have striven to the full to convince him but we have made no headway.
Passage B
1.We are now comfortably established in our new house.
2.Traffic accidents are likely to happen at that intersection.
3.Up to now we have only discussed the issue from a husband's standpoint
4.He never studied Japanese; what he knows was picked up while he was living in Japan.
5.He handled a difficult argument skillfully.
Unit 2
Passage A
1.He is no more fit to be a headmaster than any schoolboy would be.
2.As for her father she is not sure whether he will accept her and her baby.
3.Staying up late will undermine one's health while going to bed early and getting up early will benefit it.
4.The ambassador personally conveyed the president's message to the premier.
5.The girl decided to open up and tell the police what she had seen.
Passage B
1.Excessive exercises do more harm than good to one's health. Therefore we must control the amount of exercise we do.
2.He made a few attempts to join in their conversation but he gave up because of timidness.
3.Trains cannot compete with planes in terms of convenience and speed.
4.Making a comparison between Chinese and American cultures will help you to adapt to your study environment in the US.
5.It is a traditional Chinese virtue for the young on the buses to yield their seats to the old the weak the sick and the disabled.
Unit 3
Passage A
1.It is simply unbelievable for him to charge 500 dollars for a haircut.
2.People grant you the privilege so you should serve the people wholeheartedly.
3.The weather forecast is very important so that we can decide when to go to sea.
4.The sound of guns violated the usual calm of Sunday morning and people had a strong feeling that the war was coming.
5.Even though you read three pages per minute you will by no means finish the book by the end of this weekend.
Passage B
1.He can beat his opponent easily without giving a second thought.
2.With little or no knowledge of driving he drove the car onto the road.
3.It is illegal to make an unauthorized change in the construction of the bridge.
4.I could accept this fact calmly because I knew if I weren't able to finish the mission chances were that the team would be defeated.
1.We don』t think your proposal quite in place so you should give it up.
2.When he arrived he found nothing but the aged and the sick at home.
3.Given the condition of the engine it is a wonder that it even starts.
4.In terms of employment the hotel instry is the second largest instry in this country.
5.Everyone in this country has the right to live where he wants to regardless of the color of his skin.
Unit 7
Passage A
1.Although he said he had done a lot for the case his success was at least in part e to luck.
2.The issue to be discussed is critical because it will determine the future of many people.
3.I』ll try my best to avoid imposing my ideas on others.
4.Rarely can people face up to the defects in their own characters in such a situation.
5.College life is referred to as the most beautiful period of one』s life.
Passage B
1.Generally speaking he is quite learned especially in the field of mathematic science. However when it comes to the politics he knows nothing.
2.According to the survey they made of the 1000 workers who missed out on the chance to go to university the failure in the college entrance examinations had a profound effect on their later life.
3.Owing to the cost rise employers refuse to pay the retirement pension for their employees. On the flip side employees are unwilling to stay in the same company for their whole lives.
4.Since you have told me who should take the responsibility for the matter I will not pursue any further.
5.I will try to set aside half an hour each day to do some exercise even in the busiest season.
Unit 7
Passage A
1.No matter what difficulties we come across we should try our best to overcome them.
2.Respecting the old and caring for the young is a traditional Chinese virtue.
3.Today people from all walks of life are trying to acquire more knowledge to keep pace with the development of our times.
4.Children take a fancy to cartoons.
5.Given that they are lacking in experience/inexperienced/green hand they have done a good job.
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