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㈠ 求熱能與動力工程專業畢業論文的摘要英文翻譯

Over the last 20 years, mainly e to the vibration caused by the fatal accidents occurred one after another, inflicting huge economic losses. Furthermore, the vibration is still new to large units shipped impossible grid, the normal operation for the main the crew ring normal operations, continuous vibration problems affecting the normal proction, Units often reced load and operation of the sick, and even the unit was forced to stand, these incidents not uncommon. The system based on LabVIEW virtual instrument software platform for turbine vibration signal window read, and spectral analysis and correlation analysis. LabVIEW virtual instrument is a common core of computer hardware platform, defined by the user, with virtual front panel, the test function test software from a computer equipment system. The system completed the turbine vibration signal read, the signal rectangular window Hanning, Hamming window window choice, and then the signal amplitude spectrum, power spectrum and phase spectrum analysis and correlation analysis, and operating with graphics and display interface. The result of running the system proved that the system can accomplish the signal read, and three window function and the dynamic analysis of the various options and graphical display with the results.

㈡ 電廠熱能動力工程畢業論文怎麼寫



㈢ 西安交通大學繼續教育學院畢業論文(熱能與動力工程函授)



㈣ 熱能與動力工程畢業論文怎麼寫啊


㈤ 求助熱能與動力畢業論文哪位大哥大姐幫幫忙!!xingjingwei_234@126.

我靠,你牛B.平時一般作擾薯燃業3000字論文從網上下也就算了, 畢業緩虛論文你手數都從網上下載.你上學都幹嘛了?

㈥ 求函授本科畢業論文 專業是熱能動力設備與應用,工作的專業是發電廠鍋爐檢修


㈦ 熱能與動力專業畢業論文


㈧ 求一篇熱能動力工程方面的論文,字數在9000字,還要求參考三篇文獻,有加分哦!謝謝!

Over the last 20 years, mainly e to the vibration caused by the fatal accidents occurred one after another, inflicting huge economic losses. Furthermore, the vibration is still new to large units shipped impossible grid, the normal operation for the main the crew ring normal operations, continuous vibration problems affecting the normal proction, Units often reced load and operation of the sick, and even the unit was forced to stand, these incidents not uncommon. The system based on LabVIEW virtual instrument software platform for turbine vibration signal window read, and spectral analysis and correlation analysis. LabVIEW virtual instrument is a common core of computer hardware platform, defined by the user, with virtual front panel, the test function test software from a computer equipment system. The system completed the turbine vibration signal read, the signal rectangular window Hanning, Hamming window window choice, and then the signal amplitude spectrum, power spectrum and phase spectrum analysis and correlation analysis, and operating with graphics and display interface. The result of running the system proved that the system can accomplish the signal read, and three window function and the dynamic analysis of the various options and graphical display with the results.

專業前景 本專業以工程熱物理學科為主要理論基礎,以內燃機和正在發展中的其它新型動力機械及系統為研究對象,運用工程力學、機械工程學、自動控制、計算機、環境科學、微電子技術等學科的知識和內容,研究如何把燃料的化學能和液體的動能安全、高效、低(或無)污染地轉換成動力的基本規律和過程,研究轉換過程中的系統和設備的自動控制技術。隨著常規能源的日漸短缺,人類環境保護意識的不斷增強,節能、高效、降低或消除污染排放物、發展新能源及其它可再生能源成為本學科的重要任務,在能源、交通運輸、汽車、船舶、電力、航空宇航工程、農業工程和環境科學等諸多領域獲得越來越廣泛的應用,在國民經濟各部門發揮著越來越重要的作用。 培養目標 本專業方向培養具備熱能與動力工程專業方面的基本理論、基本知識和基本技能,能在國民經濟各部門從事熱力發動機和其它新型動力機械及設備的設計、製造、管理、教學和科研等方面的高級工程技術人才。 培養特色 本專業在加強學生基礎理論和綜合素質教育的同時,加強計算機及自動控制技術的應用,強化專業實踐教學,注重全能訓練,全面提高學生的實踐動手能力和科學研究潛力,使畢業生具有較強的擇業競爭能力和較寬的就業適應能力。 主幹課程 機械制圖、機械原理、機械設計、理論力學、材料力學、工程材料、電工技術、電子技術、計算機軟體基礎、液壓技術、液力傳動、內燃機構造、內燃機原理、內燃機設計、內燃機試驗、發動機電子技術、工程熱力學、流體力學、傳熱學、自動控制理論、現代測試技術等。 就業方向 畢業後可從事能源與動力設備的行政管理、內燃機及新型動力設備的開發研製、內燃機排放控制、新能源利用、汽車工業、兵器工業、環保工業、交通運輸業、船舶、電力、航空宇航工業等方面的工作。
The prospect of major works of the major hot in physics as the main theoretical basis to the internal combustion engine and the other is the development of new machinery and power systems for the study, the use of engineering mechanics, mechanical engineering, automation, computers, environmental science, microelectronics technology disciplines, such as content knowledge and to study how the chemical energy of fuel and liquid kinetic energy security, high-performance, low (or none) of pollution to the power into the basic law and the process of research in the conversion process of the automatic control systems and equipment technology . With the growing shortage of conventional energy, human the growing awareness of environmental protection, energy saving, high efficiency, rece or eliminate polluting emissions, the development of new energy and other renewable sources of energy has become an important task for the subjects in the energy, transportation, automotive, ships, electricity, aviation aerospace engineering, agricultural engineering and environmental science in many fields such as access to more and more widely used, the department in the national economy is playing an increasingly important role. Cultivate cultivate goal with the direction of the major thermal power projects with the major aspects of the basic theory, basic knowledge and basic skills, to engage in various departments in the national economy and other heat engines power the new machinery and equipment design, manufacture, management, teaching and scientific research aspects of advanced engineering and technical personnel. Cultivate major characteristics of the students in strengthening the basic theory and the overall quality of ecation, to strengthen the computer and automatic control technology, and strengthen the teaching of professional practice, pay attention to all the training, students enhance the practice of comprehensive practical ability and scientific research potential, so that graates have strong competitiveness and a wide choice of employment adaptability. Mechanical Drawing trunk curriculum, mechanical principles, mechanical design, theoretical mechanics, mechanics of materials, engineering materials, electrical technology, electronics technology, computer software foundation, hydraulic technology, hydraulic transmission, the internal combustion engine structure, the principle of internal combustion engines, internal combustion engine design, the internal combustion engine testing, engine electronic technology, engineering thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, heat transfer, automatic control theory, modern test technology. Employment after graation can be engaged in the direction of energy and power equipment, administration, internal combustion engines and new development of power equipment, internal combustion engine emission control, new energy use, the auto instry, the weapons instry, instrial environmental protection, transport, shipping, electricity, air space instrial job.

Motor vehicles are not the only air polluters. Coal and oil, used to heat homes and factories and to generate electricity, contain small amounts of sulfur. When the fuels are burned, sulfur dioxide, a poisonous gas, is proced. It is irritating to the lungs. Some cities have passed laws that allow coal and oil to be burned only if their sulfur content is low.
Most electricity is generated by steam turbines. About half of the sulfur dioxide in the air comes from burning fuel to make steam. Nuclear power plants do not burn fuel, so there is no air pollution of the ordinary kind. But the radioactive materials in these plants could present a danger in an accident. Also, there is a problem in disposing of the radioactive wastes in a way that will not endanger the environment.
Another type of pollution, called thermal (heat) pollution, is caused by both the fuel-burning and nuclear plants. Both need huge amounts of cold water, which is warmed as it cools the steam. When it is returned to the river, the warm water may stimulate the growth of weeds. It may also kill fish and their eggs, or interfere with their growth.
Physicists are studying new ways of generating electricity that may be less damaging to the environment. In the meantime, many power plants are being modernized to give off less polluting material. Also, engineers try to design and locate new power plants to do minimum damage to the environment.

Thermal energy and power engineering
This program is to cultivate both master thermal energy and power engineering professional basic theoretical knowledge, computing skills, but also the ability in various forms of generating power plant, refrigeration and air conditioning, new energy related fields in need of economic management knowledge and ability, can be engaged in the electric power instry related to areas of science and technology application, research, development and management of a senior talents. According to the national construction and talents needs, set up the professional direction includes: thermal power engineering, power plant set control operation, refrigeration and air conditioning engineering, gas power engineering, advanced energy engineering etc.
Major courses: theoretical mechanics, mechanics of materials, engineering thermodynamics, engineering fluid mechanics, heat transfer, turbine principle, boiler principle, thermal power plants, the pump and fan, automatic control theory, motor learning, circuit theory, the control system, unit unit operation principle, thermal process detection technology, engineering graphics, mechanical design basis, electrician technical basis, electronic technology base, refrigeration and cryogenic principle, refrigeration compressor, refrigeration automation and testing technology, gas turbine principle, gas gas-steam combined cycle power plant, gas turbine combined-cyde operation and maintenance, nuclear reactor theoretical basis, nuclear system and the maintenance, the PWR nuclear power plant system and equipment, wind power generation principle, professional class.
Employment place to go: large-scale modernized electric power enterprise, power equipment manufacturing enterprises and energy class enterprise engaged in proction, operation and management work, Government departments at all levels and institution engaged in energy, power, energy saving, environmental planning, design, construction, operation, consultation and supervision work; etc. Research institutes, universities in energy and power related research and development, teaching, management, etc.

㈨ 有沒有關於熱能動力畢業論文啊 關於設計鍋爐方面的

鍋爐微機控制,是近年來開發的一項新技術,它是微型計算機軟、硬體、自動控制、鍋爐節 能等幾項技術緊密結合的產物,我國現有中、小型鍋爐 30 多萬台,每年耗煤量占我國原煤 產量的 1/3,大多數鍋爐仍處於能耗高、浪費大、環境污染等嚴重的生產狀態。提高熱效率, 降低耗煤量,用微機進行控制是一件具有深遠意義的工作。 作為鍋爐控制裝置,其主要任務是保證鍋爐的安全、穩定、運行,減輕操作人員的勞動 強度。採用微計算機控制,能對鍋爐進行過程的自動檢測、自動控制等多項功能。 鍋爐微機控制系統,一般由以下幾部分組成,即由鍋爐本體、一次儀表、微機、手自動 切換操作、執行機構及閥、滑差電機等部分組成,一次儀表將鍋爐的溫度、壓力、流量、氧 量、轉速等量轉換成電壓、電流等送入微機,手自動切換操作部分,手動時由操作人員手動 控制, 用操作器控制滑差電機及閥等, 自動時對微機發出控制信號經執行部分進行自動操作。 微機對整個鍋爐的運行進行監測、報警、控制以保證鍋爐正常、可靠地運行,除此以外為保 證鍋爐運行的安全,在進行微機系統設計時,對鍋爐水位、鍋爐汽包壓力等重要參數應設置 常規儀表及報警裝置,以保證水位和汽包壓力有雙重甚至三重報警裝置,這是必不可少的, 以免鍋爐發生重大事故。 控制系統: 鍋爐是一個較為復雜的調節對象,它不僅調節量多,而且各種量之間相互聯系,相互, 相互制約, 鍋爐內部的能量轉換機理比較復雜, 所以要對鍋爐建立一個較為理想的數學模型 比較困難。為此,把鍋爐系統作了簡化處理,化分為三個相對獨立的調節系統。 當然在某 些系統中還可以細分出其它系統如一次風量控制迴路,但是其主要是以下三個部分: 爐膛負壓為主調量的特殊燃燒自動調節系統 鍋爐燃燒過程有三個任務:給煤控制,給風控制,爐膛負壓控制。保持煤氣與空氣比例 使空氣過剩系數在 1.08 左右、燃燒過程的經濟性、維持爐膛負壓,所以鍋爐燃燒過程的自 動調節是一個復雜的。對於 3×6.5t/h 鍋爐來說燃燒放散高爐煤氣,要求是最大限度地利用放 散的高爐煤氣,故可按鍋爐的最大出力運行,對蒸汽壓力不做嚴格要求;羨散蘆燃燒的經濟性也不 做較高的要求。這樣鍋爐燃燒過程的自動調節簡化為爐膛負壓為主參數的定煤氣流量調節。 爐膛負壓 Pf 的大小受引風量、鼓風量與煤氣量(壓力)三者的影響。爐膛負壓太小, 爐膛向外噴火和外泄漏高爐煤氣, 危及設備與運行人員的安全。 負壓太大, 爐膛漏風量增加, 排煙損失增加,引風機電耗增加。根據多年的人掘喊工手動調節摸索,6.5t/h 鍋爐的 Pf=100Pa 來進行設計。調節是初始狀態先由人工調節空氣與煤氣比例,達到理想的燃燒狀態,在引風 機全開時達到爐膛負壓 100Pa,投入自動後,只調節煤氣蝶閥,使壓力波動下的高爐煤氣流 量趨於初始狀態的煤氣流量,來保持燃燒中高爐煤氣與空氣比例達到最佳狀態。 鍋爐水位調節單元 汽包水位是鍋爐安全運行的重要參數,水位過高,會破壞汽水分離裝置的正常工作,嚴 重時會導致蒸汽帶水增多,增加在管壁上的結垢和影響蒸汽質量。水位過低,則會破壞水循 環,引起水冷壁管的破裂,嚴重時會造成干鍋,損壞汽包。所以其值過高過低都可能造成重 大事故。它的被調量是汽包水位,而調節量則是給水流量,通過對給水流量的調節, 使汽包 內部的物料達到動態平衡, 變化在允許范圍之內, 由於鍋爐汽包水兄帶位對蒸氣流量和給水流量 變化的響應呈積極特性。但是在負荷(蒸氣流量)急劇增加時,表現卻為"逆響應特性",即所 謂的"虛假水位",造成這一原因是由於負荷增加時,導致汽包壓力下降,使汽包內水的沸點 溫度下降,水的沸騰突然加劇,形成大量汽泡,而使水位抬高。 汽包水位控制系統,實質 上是維持鍋爐進出水量平衡的系統。 它是以水位作為水量平衡與否的控制指標, 通過調整進 水量的多少來達到進出平衡, 將汽包水位維持在汽水分離界面最大的汽包中位線附近, 以提 高鍋爐的蒸發效率,保證生產安全。由於鍋爐水位系統是一個設有自平衡能力的被控對象, 運行中存在虛假水位現象,實際中可根據情況採用水位單沖量、水位蒸汽量雙重量和水位、 蒸汽量、給水量三沖量的控制系統。 除氧器壓力和水位調節:除氧器部分均採用單沖量控制方案,單迴路的 PID 調節。 監控管理系統: 以上控制系統一般由 PLC 或其它硬體系統完成控制,而在上位機中要完成以下功能: 實時准確檢測鍋爐的運行參數:為全面 掌握整個系統的運行工況,監控系統將實時監 測並採集鍋爐有關的工藝參數、 電氣參數、 以及設備的運行狀態等。 系統具有豐富的圖形庫, 通過組態可將鍋爐的設備圖形連同相關的運行參數顯示在畫面上; 除此之外, 還能將參數以 列表或分組等形式顯示出來。 綜合及時發出控制指令: 監控系統根據監測到的鍋爐運行數據, 按照設定好的控制策略, 發出控制指令,調節鍋爐系統設備的運行,從而保證鍋爐高效、可靠運行。 診斷故障與報警管理:主控中 心可以顯示、管理、傳送鍋爐運行的各種報警信號,從 而使鍋爐的安全防爆、安全運行等級大大的提高。同時,對報警的檔案管理可使業主對於鍋 爐運行的各種、弱點等了如指掌。為保證 鍋爐系統安全、可靠地運行,監控系統將根據所 監測的參數進行故障診斷,一旦發生故障,監控系統將及時在操作員屏幕上顯示報警點。報 警相關的顯示功能使用戶定義的顯示畫面與每個點聯系起來,這樣,當報警發生時,操作員 可立即訪問該報警點的詳細信息和按照所推薦採取的應急措施進行處理。 記錄運行參數: 監控系統的實時資料庫將維護鍋爐運行參數的歷史記錄, 另外監控系統 還。設有專門的報警事件日誌,用以記錄報警/事件信息和操作員的變化等。歷史記錄的數 據根據操作人員的要求,系統可以顯示為瞬時值,也可以為某一段時間內的平均值。歷史記 錄的數據可有多種顯示方式,例如曲線、特定圖形、報表等顯示方式;此外歷史記錄的數據 還可以由以為基礎的多種應用軟體所應用。 計算運行參數: 鍋爐運行的某些運行參數不能夠直接測量, 如年運行負荷量、 蒸汽耗量、 補水量、冷凝水返回量、設備的累積運行時間等。監控系統提供了豐富的標准處理演算法,根 據所測得的運行參數,將這些導出量計算出來。

㈩ 電廠熱能動力工程畢業論文咋寫開題報告還有思路論文要求要8000字數以上啊



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