A. 孔子学院教授些什么课程
B. 顾峥的主要教授课程
C. 于涛的教授的课程
D. 码教授学院的课程有哪些
E. 张日清的教授课程
2005-2005 Pathway and mechanism of androgenesis in oiltea camellia. Sponsored by National Science Foundation of China. Project leader.
Main responsibilities: writing of application; preparation of implementation plan; partial work in collection of experiment materials and lab work; writing of final report.
2004-2008 Extension of comprehensive techniques in upgrading the low-yield stands of oiltea camellia. Sponsored by China Forestry Administration. Project leader.
Main responsibilities: writing of application; preparation of implementation plan; partial work in field and lab work; writing of final report.
2003-2008 Clonal selection and fast propagation in Zelkova spp.. Sponsored by Hunan Provincial Department of Integrated Agricultural Development. Project leader.
Main responsibilities: writing of application; preparation of implementation plan; partial work in collection of experiment materials and lab work; writing of final report.
2001-2002 Analysis of population diversity and cultivar identification by randomly amplified polymorphism DNA markers in pecan. Sponsored by Hunan Provincial Department of Ecation. Project leader.
Main responsibilities: writing of application; preparation of implementation plan; partial work in collection of experiment materials and lab work; writing of final report.
2001-2002 Molecular identification of clonal cultivars in ginkgo and Chinese torreya. Sponsored by China State Administration of Forestry. Main project participant.
Main responsibilities: lab analysis and data processing.
2001-2002 Resource inventory and background environmental analysis for the nature reserve of David’ deer in Huarong of Hunan. Sponsored by Hunan Provincial Environment Bureau. Project leader.
Main responsibilities: writing of application report; preparation of implementation plan; writing of progress reports as well as final report; and partial work in field inventory and data processing.
2001-2003 Optimal harvest ration of scionwood orchard of oiltea camellia and effective viability of scionwood. Sponsored by Hunan Provincial Department of Forestry. Project leader.
Main responsibilities: writing of application report; preparation of implementation plan; nursery grafting and orchard technical management; and writing of progress reports as well as final report.
2001-2002 Construction of cDNA bank and molecular probe for oiltea camellia. Sponsored by China State Administration of Ecation. Deputy project leader.
Main responsibilities: collection of experiment materials; lab analysis; data processing; and partial work in writing of progress reports as well as final report.
2001-2002 Feasibility study of pecan extension in China. Sponsored by South Central Forestry University. Project leader.
Main responsibilities: writing of application; preparation of implementation plan; partial work in field investigation and lab analysis; and writing of final report.
1998-2001 Techniques for establishing protection forest in the Dongting lake region. Sponsored by Hunan Provincial Department of Forestry. Project leader.
Main responsibilities: writing of application report; preparation of implementation plan; trial demonstration of mixed forest establishment; and writing of progress reports as well as final report.
1998-2001 Techniques for establishing wavebreak forest in the Dongting lake region. Sponsored by Hunan Provincial Department of Forestry. Deputy project leader.
Main responsibilities: trial demonstration of mixed forest establishment; data processing; and partial work in writing of progress reports as well as final report.
1996-2002 Pecan introction from USA. Sponsored by China State Administration of Forestry and cooperation with USDA-ARS. Deputy project leader.
Main responsibilities: germplasm importation from USA; contact and coordination of US pecan specialists’ academic visits in China; inventory and germplasm collection of domestic pecan resource; construction of introced gene bank orchards, scionwood tree orchards, demonstration orchards, and cultivar comparison orchards; absorptive use and extension of introced techniques; and writing of progress reports.
F. 教师在教授课程的时候,要注意哪些关键点
G. 复旦大学史聃鹏教授的课程
H. 曹文轩的教授课程
《中国当代文学》 《小说的艺术》《小说十家》 《思维论——对文学的哲学解释 》《中国八十年代文学现象研究》《20世纪末中国文学现象研究》 《中国当代文学热点分析》等。
I. 张浩达的主要教授课程
J. 陈凯龙的教授课程