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1. 2014年6月份英语四级考试考卷及答案详解

Section A:
1.B Use a ladder to help her reach the tea. 2. D Outside an gallery art. 3.D New students usually cannot offer a fair evaluation.
4.C Doris fixed up some of the bookshelves.
5.D He has found a better position.
6.A They should finish the book as soon as possible.
7.D The furniture the man bought is inexpensive.
8.B The woman is waiting for the call.
9. A She had a job interview to attend
10. C Submit her roommate's assignment
11. A Where Dr. Ellis's office is located
12. C He can handle it quite well
13. B The 6:30 one
14. C The time on the train is enjoyable
15. A Reading newspapers.
16. D Get key information by reading just once or twice
17. A Choose one's own system of marking
18. B By reviewing only the marked parts.
19. D Everybody needs some sleep for survival.
20. C It is a rare exception
21. B His mother's injury just before his birth.
22. C She developed a strong interest in finance
23. D She inherited a big fortune from her father
24. A She was extremely mean with her money
25. B She built a hospital with her mother's money
Section C: 复合式听写:
26. identical 27. approach 28. back and forth 29. opposite 30. indicates 31. referring to 32. parallel to 33. reserved 34. at the right angle
35. embarrassing
第一篇 全球变暖
36 I melted 37 G line 38 A appealing 39 k ranging 40 D dramatic
41 F impact 42.N sensible 43.B average 44.J persist 45.L recently
第二篇 石油
36. C declining 37. E difficult 38. D derived 39. L refine 40. J growth
41. M reserves 42. I feasible 43. G economically 44. k option
45. O steps
The End of the Book
46. C 47. N 48. J 49. H 50. A 51. K 52. N 53. H 54. A 55. M
56. B The humanities and STEM subjects should be given equal importance.
57. D Their chances of getting a good job.
58. A They benefit students in their future life.
59. D Those who have received a well-rounded ecation.
60. C Prepare themselves for different job options.
61. A It sounds very attractive.
62. D They cause serious damage to the environment.
63. C It wants to keep its own environment intact.
64. B It improves economic efficiency.
65. A To justify America's dependence on oil imports.
56 C they feel obliged to take care of their kids at home
57 B it does not consider its economic impact on graates
58 A it is different for male and female students
59 D they don't perform as well as they did in high school
60 A women are too worn out to be ambitious
61 B few of them are equal to their positions.
62 A they believe they have natural gift to lead
63 D being able to assess the situation carefully before taking charge
64 B they become impatient and rude
65 C build up a strong team to achieve their goals.
教育公平,中国投入360亿元,用于改善农村地区教育设施和加强中西部农村义务教育(compulsory ecation )。这些基金用于改善教学设施,购买书籍,使116万多所中小学受益。资金还用于购置音乐和绘画器材,现在农村和山区的儿童可以与沿海城市的儿童一样上音乐和绘画课。一些为接受更好教育而转往城市上学的学生如今又回到本地农村学校就读。
In order to promote the justice in ecation, China has already invested 36 billion RMB, which is used to enhance the teaching facilities of the countryside and compulsory ecation of rural area of mid-west.
These funds can be used to improve the teaching aids and to purchase books, benefiting 16,000 middle schools and primary schools. Furthermore, these funds can also be used to purchase instrument for music and paintings. Nowadays, children from countryside and mountain areas can enjoy music class and painting class like the children in coastal areas do. Some students who were previously transferred to cities for better ecation now return to local areas to study.
China should develop the energy of nuclear more, for nuclear power only accounts for 2% of the gross electrical power output, which makes China the least, the 30th,in the list of countries which own nuclear power.
After the Japan's accidents in March 2011, the exploration of nuclear power has been suspended, including halting the examining and approving new nuclear power stations as well as safety inspection of all the nuclear stations in the country. The approval didn't recover until
October, 2012.
With the improvement of technology and safety arrangement, the possibilities of nuclear accidents could be reced to the minimum degree. That is to say, nuclear power could be developed and utilized without accidents.
Chinese ecators have already realized the significance of reading for a nation. Some workers suggested that we have a national reading day in 2003. They emphasized that people should read good books especially the classic ones. Through reading, people can learn better how to be grateful, responsible and cooperative. The goal of ecation is to cultivate these basic personalities. Reading is especially important for middle and primary school students. Suppose they don't nurture the interest of reading at that key moment, it will be harder to develop a habit to read books.
Suppose a foreign friend of yours is coming to visit your hometown/campus/China. Where would you show her and why?
As one of the most bewitching and international cities in China, I strongly recommend you, my dearest friends, to pay a visit to my hometown--Beijing. It is the capital of China for several dynasties over a long period. In the meantime, it has now evolved into the political, cultural and ecational center.There are many places of interests here in Beijing, among which the Summer Palace is the most interesting attraction.
The Summer Palace is situated in the western outskirts of Beijing, and it is one of the most classical gardens in China, which enjoys a worldwide reputation. The most alluring scenery is Kunming Lake, with an exquisite building in the middle, and it involves three parts which are mainly used as the ancient empress's living quarter.
I'm sure you can definitely experience the characteristic and traditional culture of China. Hope you could enjoy your trip!

2. 2014四级英语听力答案 没答案的附上真题也好

16. D. Get key information by reading just once or twice.
17. A. Choose one's own system of marking.
18. B. By reviewing only the marked parts.
19. D. Everybody needs some sleep for survival.
20. C. It is a rare exception.
21. B. His mother's injury just before his birth.
22. C. She developed a strong interest in finance.
23. D. She inherited a big fortune from her father.
24. A. She was extremely mean with her money.

25. B. She built a hospital with her mother's money.

Conversation 1:
9. A. She had a job interview to attend.
点评:事实细节题。关键听取原文中“It’s just that she submitted a job application yesterday and the company asked her in for an interview today”.
10. C. Submit her roommate’s assignment.
点评:事实细节题加单词的同义替换。关键听取原文中“I’m calling to see whether it would be OK if I gave you her essay.”
11. A. Where Dr. Ellis’s office is located.
点评:事实细节题。关键听取原文中“And Dr. Ellis, one more thing, could you tell me where your office is?”
Conversation 2:
12. C. He can handle it quite well.
点评:同义替换原文内容“But it’s bearable now that I’ m used to it”。be used to 表示为习惯做某事。
13. B. The 6:30 train.
点评:细节题。重点听取原文中“It was terrible at first, especially getting up before dawn to catch that 6:30 train”
14. C. The time on the train is enjoyable.
点评:细节题加词性转换。重点听取原文中“But now I quite enjoy it.”
15. A. Reading newspapers.
点评:细节与词义替换。重点听取原文“In the morning, I just sit in comfort and read the papers to catch up with the news.”
这次英语四级听力短对话总体难度适中,主要考点仍然集中在对日常生活的理解上。一共8 题,其中第1题考察事实细节,3、4、6是对句子内涵的理解,2和5分别是对地点和原因的推断,7、8是对事实细节的推断。大家在做听力时,不要纠结在一两个生词上,一定要注意把握对话人的隐含义,才能做出准确推断。
1. B .Use a ladder to help her reach the tea.
点评:事实细节题,主要听男士的意见Why don’t you use the ladder. strain v.表示拉伸,扭伤 strain your shoulder 拉伤肩膀
2. D. Outside an art gallery.
点评:推理判断题,从女士的“exhibition”与男士的“favorite painter”中推断出。
3. B. She does not quite agree with what the man said.
evaluation n. 表示评估价值 ;an unfair evaluation 有失公正的评价;
4. C. Doris fixed up some of the book shelves.
点评:推理判断题,从男士的“I got Doris to do some of them.”推断出答案。
注意shelf 复数形式是shelves
5. D. He has found a better position.
点评:事实细节题,主要听男生的陈述 “I’ve been offered a much better position with another firm”
6. A. They should finish the work as soon as possible.
点评:推理判断题,从男士的“But I think we should get it over with this weekend”可以得出。
7. D. The furniture the man bought is inexpensive.
点评:事实细节题,从男士的描述“dirt cheap”中可以得出。
dirt cheap 表示非常便宜。furnish v. 表示布置;陈设 n. furniture 家具。
8. B. The woman is waiting for a call.

点评:推理判断题,从男士的话中“I’ll let you know when he calls.”推断出答案。
26. identical
27. approach
28. back and forth
29. opposite
30. indicates
31. referring to
32. parallel to
33. reserved
34. at a right angle
35. embarrassing

3. 2014年6月大学英语四级阅读真题及参考答案



I was a freshman in college when I met the Whites.They were completely different from my own family,yet I felt at home with them immediately.Jane White and I became friends at school,and her family welcomed me like a long-lost cousin.

衫宴燃In my family,it was always important to place blame when anything bad happened.

“Who did this?”my mother would scream about a dirty kitchen.

“This is all your fault,Katharine,”my father would insist when the cat got out or the dishwasher broke.

From the time we were little,my sister,brothers and I told on each other.We set a place for blame at the dinner table.

But the Whites didn’t worry about who had done what.They picked up the pieces and moved on with their lives.The beauty of this was driven home to me the summer Jane died.

In July,the White sisters and I decided to take a car trip from their home in Florida to New York.The two older sisters,Sarah and Jane,were college students,and the youngest,Amy,had recently turned sixteen.Proud of having a new driver’s license(驾照),Amy was excited about practicing her driving on the trip.She showed off her license to everyone she met.

或虚The big sisters shared the driving of Sarah’s new car ring the first part of the trip,but when they reached less crowded areas,they let Amy take over.

Somewhere in South Carolina,we pulled off the highway to eat.After lunch,

Amy got behind the wheel.She came to a crossroads with a stop sign.Whether she was nervous or just didn’t see the sign no one would ever know,but Amy continued into the crossroads without stopping.The driver of a large truck,unable to stop in time,ran into our car.

Jane was killed immediately.

I was slightly injured.The most difficult thing that I’祥友ve ever done was to call the Whites to tell them about the accident and that Jane had died.Painful as it was for me to lose a good friend,I knew that it was far worse for them to lose a child.

When Mr. and Mrs. White arrived at the hospital,they found their two daughters sharirng a room.Sarah had a few cuts on the head;Amy’s leg was broken.They hugged(拥抱)us all and cried tears of sadness and of joy at seeing their daughters.They wiped away the girls’ tears and made a few jokes at Amy as she learned to use her crutches(拐杖).

To both of their daughters,and especially to Amy,over and over they simply said, “We’re so glad that you’re alive.”

I was astonished.No blame.No accusations.

Later,I asked the Whites why they never talked about the fact that Amy was driving and had run a stop sign.

Mrs.White said,“Jane’s gone,and we miss her terribly.Nothing we say or do will ever bring her back.But Amy has her whole life ahead of her.How can she lead a full and happy life if she feels we blame her for her sister’s death?”

They were right.Amy graated from the University of California and got married several years ago.She works as a teacher of learning-disabled students.

She’s also a mother of two little girls of her own,the oldest named Jane.

1.The author of the passage is .

A.Mrs.White’s niece B.Jane’s school friend

C.The Whites’ cousin D.Sarah’s friend from college

2.How did the author’s parents differ from the Whites?

A.The author’s parents were less caring. B.The author’s parents were less loving.

C.The author’s parents were less friendly. D.The author’s parents were less understanding.

3.How did the accident occur?

A.Amy didn’t stop at a crossroads and a truck hit their car.

B.Amy didn’t know what to do when she saw the stop sign.

C.Amy didn’t slow down so their car ran into a truck.

D.Amy didn’t get off the highway at a crossroads.

4.The accident took place in .

A.Florida B.California C.South Carolina D.New York

5.The Whites did not blame Amy for Jane’s death because .

A.they didn’t want Amy to feel ashamed and sorry for the rest of her life

B.Amy was badly injured herself and they didn’t want to add to her pain

C.they didn’t want to blame their children in front of others

D.Amy was their youngest daughter and they loved her best

6.From the passage we can learn that .

A.Amy has never recovered from the shock B.Amy changed her job after the accident

C.Amy lost her memory after the accident D.Amy has lived quite a normal life

答案 1.B 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.A 6.D

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